Example sentences of "work [conj] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Whilst working alone the craftsman also has no real need to describe or control the process elements , as he contains , in his head , the understanding of how the design is intended to work and the necessary stages to make this a reality .
2 Chapanis suggested that computers are not quite as easy to work as the glossy brochures suggest .
3 A recent scrutiny by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission commented favourably on the changes that have already been wrought and the further developments that are under way .
4 Herbert Morrison was an advocate of tighter centralised control , and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Fuel and Power , Sir Donald Fergusson ( who believed nationalisation would only work if the public corporations were genuinely independent ) felt that independence was more likely to be achieved with a larger corporation which was more able to resist direct government intervention .
5 It is also important that you try and evaluate the dramatic experience of these different forms of presentation — this is worthwhile , because it will make you think about the different ways in which an actor can work and the various ways in which his skills are used .
6 Most of the bulbs in the chandeliers , however , did not work and the once-fine carpets were worn threadbare .
7 But Paddy Glennie does n't believe it will work because the big boys will retaliate .
8 The aim is simply to create discussion and debate about how kayaks work and the various ways we teach their use .
9 It is a risky form of self-defence , putting the animal completely at the mercy of its attacker 's jaws , but it sometimes works and the bluffer escapes .
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