Example sentences of "work [adv] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This objection can easily be overcome by allowing two students to work together at the terminal — a method which appears to facilitate learning .
2 He believed , and she had once heard him say , that eventually she would , naturally , come round to his way of thinking , and she had vowed to work harder at the study of English literature in order to learn enough words to refute him once and for all .
3 ‘ Any more than it 's possible for me to work up at the college with all those strapping lads running round in jockey shorts and have no reaction whatsoever . ’
4 Meanwhile back in Wales , Philip Burton had taken the plunge , moved to Cardiff and gone to work full-time at the BBC as a producer .
5 He had gone clean and sober with a fury , he swore , up at five-thirty every morning to work out at the Y , at his word processor to write by six-thirty , stopping only to watch CNN during lunch ‘ to connect with the world ’ .
6 At the time my idea of manhood was personified as someone who had to work hard at a job he hated in order to support not only himself , but other people whose very existence he resented ; someone who was forever having to make difficult decisions and take frightening initiatives , both of which ended in frustration ; and someone who might be called upon to fight in wars ( National Service was then still in operation ) and kill people .
7 One hacker 's wife remarked : ‘ The whole thing started when he began to work late at the office , and I began to think that there was another woman .
8 For light to work by at the period concerned , a miner had only a small coffee-pot shaped metal oil lamp with a wick protruding from the spout .
9 With some misgivings , Wolfgang settled down to work steadily at a stream of compositions , beginning with the Italian serenata Il sogno di Scipione ( Scipio 's Dream ) for the ceremonial enthronement of the new archbishop on 14 March 1772 .
10 ‘ Let's have a picnic , ’ she said , telling herself that next week she would make a real effort to work again at the practice of virtue .
11 Mr Rodger Bell QC , for Mr Bewick , suggested that his client had a ‘ bee in his bonnet ’ about surgeons being able to work anywhere at a drop of a hat .
12 Cos , how did the magician work out at the Theatre Royal in Nottingham in the pantomime last year ?
13 Readers will work hard at a text if they need to know something about their favourite football player or team , if they want to know about their favourite singer or group , if they want information for a project that really interests them , or if they need information a make something or improve their performance in some way .
14 F worked out at a half .
15 We have setpiece debates on the European Community budget — we had one in only 90 minutes last week , which worked out at a rate of about half a billion pounds per minute of our debate .
16 Trade union leaders may well enter into " social contracts " with governments and pledge themselves and their members to wage restraint and productivity improvements in return for social benefits and an extension of trade union powers , but their control over their own members is limited and unofficial strikes can , and have , destroyed deals worked out at the top .
17 Doherty , from Strabane , had joined Derry on a one-month contract after being released at Old Trafford , the intention being to see how things worked out at the Brandywell .
18 They are much easier to fit earlier than later ; wires can be more easily concealed and circuits worked out at the start of kitchen planning .
19 Citrine insisted that the departmental chief officers met with his full-time colleagues on the Authority weekly , encouraging the officers to comment on general policy matters rather than confining their comments to their own specialisms : a method he had found worked well at the TUC .
20 The Royal Society seems to have achieved little in this direction in its early years ; in Paris , however , the academie fostered someone who worked diligently at the applications of science .
21 We all worked hard at the lesson , no time wasted .
22 it 's amazing , that there was nine people who worked there at the time of the war .
23 His father Arthur , who had played for Blackburn Rovers , Derby County and Portsmouth , worked there at the time .
24 It was first worked on at the turn of the century by the American psychologist , E. L. Thorndike , and more recently by another American psychologist , B. F. Skinner , and many others .
25 I was feeling very romantic , quite worked up at the sight of her and the room was full of the scent of her desire .
26 Plans of reform were worked out at a succession of Councils or synods attended only by Western bishops .
27 The agreement to form separate groups was worked out at a meeting on Feb. 10 at the presidential residence in Lany , attended also by Czechoslovak President Vaclav Havel , who numbered many Liberal Club supporters among his closest associates but who had remained outside the conflict .
28 The death toll has worked out at the equivalent of seven a week since the two companies responsible for investing £190million in government securities went into liquidation last June .
29 The effect of the Jade Griffon is worked out at the end of each shooting phase and at the end of each hand-to-hand combat phase .
30 If we are to confront these matters , they need to be worked out at the levels of the individual student experience , the curriculum and the institution as a whole .
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