Example sentences of "case for [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is not an uncommon pattern with central institutions , but it does strengthen the case for sending the Library 's exhibitions ( in photographic form ) to other parts of Scotland , and possibly to other areas of the City .
2 Deriding the value of the committee of the regions , he tried to demolish Mr Salmond 's case for entering the Government lobby in exchange for SNP representation on the European committee , by repeating the comments he made on it when he was the party 's foreign affairs spokesman : ‘ I remember saying , with the approval of my leader , that it is merely an advisory body , advising another advisory body and has no powers of any kind . ’
3 Prof Robert Mansel , of the department of surgery at the University of Wales , who is working on that subject , said : ‘ There is a strong case for pursuing the role of essential fatty acids as anti-tumour agents in a wide variety of cancers .
4 THE case for believing the letter may be genuine is backed by several facts .
5 When a primary attack occurs in such circumstances , there is a strong case for delivering the baby by caesarian section .
6 IF EVER there was a case for passing a law that forbade the British government from interfering in industry , the current difficulties in the coal and car-making sectors are probably the best examples available .
7 Since , ultimately , the law has to be stated authoritatively , there is a case for passing a statute , once experience of the working of the Code has had time to show up any problems there may be .
8 If the answer is no , there may be a case for dismissing the attempt to apply to education management some of the models which are drawn from business and industry .
9 Despite this there may be points that can not be accommodated in which case there is a valid case for splitting the business between two , but rarely more , suppliers , each providing an agreed package .
10 I have therefore been considering the case for taking the initiative and disclosing details of the Committee structure .
11 Once the church lost its dominant feature , the case for saving the church would evaporate altogether .
12 In retrospect , the Americans had a good case for opposing the invasion of Egypt , even if it was difficult to defend the bungling over the Aswan Dam loan that had sparked off the crisis .
13 Section II , in particular , makes a strong case for seeing the home as offering opportunities for personal development if management practices encourage the learning of skills , rather than a mini-institution where people are efficiently cared for .
14 The putative identity of labourism and the Labour Party is questionable , and , given a powerfully argued case for seeing the party as an integral part of the national culture , rather surprising .
15 And the operation must be seen to be multinational , so the UK contingent should ideally be increased to brigade strength — which underlines the case for reprieving the Highland regiments .
16 There is certainly a case for enforcing the law more strongly to prevent under-age people buying such weapons .
17 In the instant case it might be said that there was a stronger case for allowing the court 's jurisdiction because there was no provision for any appeal if the Revenue was allowed to invoke s 485 .
18 SAVE , supported by English Heritage , promptly submitted a powerful statement supporting the case for considering the statue as a fixture , the removal of which would profoundly affect the character of the listed building .
19 If a narrower interpretation of accountability is adopted , one more closely associated with contractual accountability , then the case for considering the relationship between evaluation and professional development , as a separate issue , is strengthened .
20 However there is a case for considering the role of unions in upholding and maintaining labour rights more generally .
21 Held , granting the application , that the coroner had wrongly precluded himself from considering whether the cause of death had been aggravated by lack of care ; that where the medical cause of death was accompanied by concurrent events which themselves might be a cause of death , there was a case for considering the death ‘ unnatural ’ within the meaning of section 8(1) ( a ) of the Coroners Act 1988 , and an inquest should be held ; that the statutory duty imposed by section 11(5) of the Act of 1988 to investigate how death occurred prevailed in any conflict with the provision in rule 42 of the Coroners Rules 1984 that verdicts should not be framed so as to appear to decide any issue of civil liability ; that it was in the public interest to investigate by means of an inquest whether the deceased 's death might have been avoided had an ambulance been available earlier ; and that , accordingly , the coroner 's decision not to hold an inquest would be quashed and an order of mandamus granted for an inquest to be held ( post , pp. 491E , H , 493C–D , E–F ) .
22 The first is that , with the consumer being the main culprit in the spending boom which led to the current difficulties , there is a case for shifting the tax burden from industry to individuals .
23 The case of an insolvent trustee is therefore both complicated and the test case for determining the validity of a trust .
24 Eleven years ago I wrote to the then President of our Institute making the case for expanding the role of the Institute .
25 The economic case for building a PWR at Sizewell may well be the key component in the public inquiry .
26 So it is no wonder that the CEGB has responded by publishing an unprecedentedly large volume of material in support of its case for building a PWR at Sizewell .
27 The only scenario in which there would be a case for building a PWR as soon as possible on the grounds of plant shortage involves a sustained increase ( 4 per cent growth per annum ) in manufacturing output from 1979/80 .
28 The case for abolishing the licence fee is unanswerable .
29 It is , therefore , particularly gratifying to be able to report that , in response to the case for maintaining the level of purchases made by the Library with the support of other Scottish research libraries , and users , both local and remote , Government agreed in December 1989 to restore substantially the level of the Library 's Purchase Grant in 1990–91 by allocating an additional £200,000 for purchases for the Library 's collections .
30 They have , sensibly , realised that the benefits from proceeding with caution outweigh the risks and there is no case for banning the practice outright .
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