Example sentences of "great [noun sg] in [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 However , those in the worst housing experience the greatest difficulty in meeting the norms of good housekeeping .
2 Claudia was so outraged that she had the greatest difficulty in keeping the rage she felt enough under control for her to be coherent .
3 I have the greatest difficulty in finding the remotest sense in the policy of a party which says that it is in favour of investment but which goes out of its way by every possible means to penalise saving .
4 First , even critics of privatisation have the greatest difficulty in defending the existing position .
5 This theological argument for differentiation was to assume the greatest importance in spreading the Copernican theory .
6 The CNAA , he and others believed , had made great progress in improving the standards of business studies , and had begun to do the same for management studies , but ‘ the job of improving management studies has hardly begun .
7 There is one newcomer , however , that is only now finding its market but which could play a great part in feeding the world 's people ; and that is a man-made cereal , a hybrid , called triticale .
8 I am sure my hon. Friend well remembers the Committee stage of the Atomic Weapons Establishment Act 1991 when we had great difficulty in discussing the measure properly because the Department would not release the necessary information .
9 To put the point graphically , while Marx and his nineteenth-century comrades would have no great difficulty in recognizing the economic and the political spheres today , despite the major changes that have undoubtedly taken place in the last hundred years , in the cultural-ideological sphere the opportunities for hegemonic control on a global scale have changed out of all recognition .
10 It ill became the English king , who was sovereign in his own country , to behave as a vassal towards his French suzerain , and the French king had great difficulty in controlling the behaviour of a vassal who was also a sovereign .
11 The car broke down , we had great difficulty in collecting the Christmas trees from Jackson 's farm and Ted got into a quite a suicidal mood .
12 In the present case I do not agree with Mann L.J. , with all respect to him , that there is any great difficulty in defining the persons from whom , applying the principle to which I have just referred , the decision-making authority might be required to seek representations .
13 A clear example of this may be seen in the learner driver who grips the steering wheel so tightly with one hand that he has great difficulty in moving the wheel with the other .
14 But , unfortunately , they are having great difficulty in accepting the need to cut overhead costs , which are still far in excess of the target of 18% of turnover and are preventing the Valley Hotel from making a projected net profit by the end of the year .
15 The main problem for instrumental Marxist accounts is that they have great difficulty in explaining the eclecticism and indeterminacy of events in the world under a single reductionist or economist explanation which relates all actions by the state to the desires and power capabilities of a ruling class based on economic ownership .
16 Later , habit was to help me to find Aunt Louise with the assurance of a homing pigeon ; now , hesitant of asking the way ( being unable to read on the faces of those I encountered whether they were patients or helpers ) , I had great difficulty in finding the right building ; and then — up ill-lit stone staircases and along corridors — in finding the ward to which I had been directed .
17 But it had great difficulty in finding the necessary funds for this purpose , and , partly for this reason and partly because of sheer bureaucratic inefficiency , the payment of the subsidies was always much delayed .
18 The problem is that the Boards would have great difficulty in assessing the standard of a course retrospectively , particularly if it has had no dealings with it previously .
19 Over the years took great pleasure in visiting the various locations frequently , to meet people and discuss their questions .
20 I have great pleasure in proposing the honorary officers for appointment as they are printed on your order paper .
21 However , I am anticipating having great pleasure in playing the Chandos CD
22 Even though your school may not have the most modern and well equipped building set in extensive playing fields serving a prosperous suburb this need not put you at a great disadvantage in marketing the school .
23 If they are properly consulted , resourced and involved in the process of change , those skills and that commitment can be harnessed to great effect in serving the interests of those children and services on whom their professional careers are focused .
24 As recently as the congressional mid-term elections of November 1990 , the arch conservative North Carolina senator Jesse Helms had used the reverse discrimination and quotas issue to great effect in mobilizing the support of white voters against his black Democrat opponent [ see p. 37846 ] .
25 A knowledge of spoken Gaelic is a great help in producing the sounds of various foreign languages .
26 He seemed to take great delight in taking the church for a ride .
27 … One of the topics came up in the following week 's Science lesson … the girls took great delight in showing the boys how to perform the tasks ! … the improvement in their confidence was most marked . ’
28 This requires great skill in encouraging the barley to germinate , producing the natural starches that will provide sugar for fermentation .
29 On the whole , Acts , despite their legal precision , are fairly loose guides when it comes actually to setting up the services they authorize , and the decisions made by the administrators of services at central or local level are of great importance in shaping the provision .
30 The question of the sort of relations between journalists and politicians which could be considered proper was to remain of great importance in determining the changing role of the press .
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