Example sentences of "leave [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Stephen , you do n't want to leave all over the kitchen like that , it 's really .
2 to leave quickly in the morning .
3 There 's nothing unusual about clogged up roads in London , but this was the school half-term holidays — usually a haven of relatively clear tarmac , a glorious window of opportunity to leave home for the office a quarter of an hour later .
4 From a balcony overlooking the embassy grounds , and to wild cheering from the thousands of would-be emigrants in the ‘ tent village ’ below , he announced all those staying in the embassy would be allowed to leave immediately for the West .
5 He was educated at a boarding school in Littlehampton , but had to leave abruptly at the age of sixteen for financial reasons when his father died suddenly of pneumonia .
6 They do n't leave much at the end .
7 ‘ The gate guard did say he saw a blanc leave shortly before the explosion . ’
8 One finding , for instance , was that cyclists can leave home in the morning later , as late as 8.15 , and still get to school in good time .
9 This idea does leave out in the cold some of us who are not moved that much by emotion .
10 The main reason a purchaser will insist on buying assets , and may perhaps refuse to deal with the vendor on any other basis , is that the purchaser can then select which of the vendor 's liabilities he will assume and more importantly which he will leave behind for the vendor to deal with .
11 ‘ You can leave here in the morning , find Silas and talk to him , then return by evening .
12 Three pound notes were usually left discreetly on the table after tea .
13 Beyond the tree-fringed mouth of Bull Pot of the Witches , the path to Ease Gill cuts left on to the fell 's edge and passes close by a trap door covering a shaft that leads into Lancaster Hole , the first route into the main cave system of Leck Fell .
14 Out of that curve , Doohan grabs another gear and the warbling exhaust note signals that the rear tyre is still scrabbling for grip as he shifts up again and aims at the daunting , sixth gear left on to the back straight .
15 → Dealing with your ideas in order , buying a secondhand valve amp to use with your existing combo speaker would not work because of the complex switching required to bypass the amplifiers into dummy loads ( a valve amp can not be left on without the speaker or a dummy load in circuit ) as well as input routing to both amps .
16 Plastics — that here leave little to the imagination — were widely used in fashion .
17 Content often left little to the imagination , with one candidate listing ‘ winning a prize for dressing up as Kylie Minogue at the Finchley carnival ’ among his or her achievements , while another left nothing to chance and scrawled ‘ YOU CA N'T LIVE WITHOUT ME ! ’ at the end of his CV .
18 We are left only with the memory of fleeting colours , perhaps a small note-group which appears to be half-familiar ( like something we have heard before ) , or some spectacular moment like the boom of a gong .
19 The first significant change to the political map of the Merovingian kingdom occurred with the campaign of Theudebert II and Theuderic II against Chlothar II in the year 600 , as a result of which the latter was left only with the territories of Beauvais , Amiens and Rouen .
20 Your reader should be left only with the feeling that something about life has been made clear .
21 Rather than representing , the sign becomes the front behind which the actual disappearance of the signified goes unnoticed , and we are left merely with the medium itself .
22 Thus , a whole range of decisions would not be left merely to the instinct of the doctor , good though he or she may be , but would be set down in a form which is at the same time authoritative , yet flexible and able to change if circumstances demand .
23 He had half turned to walk to his car , which he had left down by the jetty , when we heard the sound of a horn , pressed just once — not to warn us against danger but to attract our attention .
24 Her only pleasure in it now was the notes left all over the place by her father : cheery instructions in a classical scholar 's hand , written on the gummed labels used by the more pious English government departments to get a second use out of old envelopes .
25 In short , it was contended that additional rewards for employees should be left entirely to the discretion of individual employers .
26 Is the Department of Trade and Industry prepared to do anything to help the efforts of my hon. Friend the Member for Motherwell , South ( Dr. Bray ) to try to secure thin slab steel production in Scotland — or are we to be left entirely to the mercy of that virtual private monopoly , the British Steel Corporation ?
27 This is so much the case that the management of leg ulcers is commonly left entirely to the DN .
28 This requires diagnostic skills normally associated with doctors , but it has long been suspected that this responsibility is generally left entirely to the DN , so this section begins with an analysis of DN responses to the question : ‘ Who decided on current treatment ? ’ before examining that treatment .
29 A laissez-faire approach of non-intervention has had few adherents in the past , since most economists have accepted that theory and evidence do suggest that matters can not be left entirely to the market .
30 It suggests that matters of health should not be left entirely in the hands of the medical professionals , particularly if they share and perpetuate the dominant belief that good health is purely a ‘ mechanical ’ process which can be remedied by drugs and surgery .
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