Example sentences of "leave [pron] with [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 just enough to leave me with a strange sense
2 But I suspect a lot of you would want to leave them with a matt finish , it 's entirely up to you Anyway when you paint , like I say , it 's just it 's because it 's porous it sucks the colour off the brush and er it immediately dries , so you can see , straight away , the colour it 's gon na be when you then put the varnish on you use a sort of matt varnish and so it brings the colour up but it wo n't be shiny or a shine , which you 're gon na choose like you might wan na matt varnish with this and shiny for the shell which ca it really brings the colour up , we wo n't get round to varnishing today erm and the other thing you can do , if you want erm a sort of a mottled effect you do pink in a base colour say Mikila wanted all greeny , bluey colours on that
3 The question is whether the institutions will adopt the same rather altruistic attitude that they did then now that their income from even the best-performing companies will shrink permanently unless action is taken by the companies to leave them with the same net effect .
4 As I am drawing to a close , as I can find no further connections or criticisms of these two books however obvious or unobvious they may be , I would like to leave you with an appropriate quote from one of my books .
5 Would you leave him/her with a complete stranger ?
6 RAIL commuters have protested at timetable changes they claim will leave them with a long wait or walk .
7 Even if we were to obtain substantial concessions and eliminate all our strategic nuclear weapons , we could not eliminate all theirs , so we would merely leave them with a residual capability which would be overwhelming and a continual menace to ourselves .
8 At the very least , he might leave them with a few choice phrases to remember him by .
9 Your attitude of reserved dignity will not be resented ; when all arrangements have been completed , the client 's contact will leave them with the respectful regard for your integrity .
10 So you 're gon na leave me with the dear stool then are you ?
11 This month , I 'll leave you with a super-hairy Steve Vai guitar lick , broken down into rhythmic notation : ie. no notes .
12 Even if you do n't normally wear make-up , you will probably need some on your wedding day as white or even ivory reflects on the skin and could leave you with a washed-out look .
13 So let me leave you with a few wise words .
14 Coming up next here on Radio Oxford is the six o'clock news , but we 'll leave you with the best moment this afternoon here on Radio Oxford .
15 I can leave you with an easy mind . ’
16 Her hair was splendidly awry because of the lead curling strips which , when removed , would leave her with a glorious gold-bright halo , but which now gave her angry face the fierce and tangled aspect of a Greek Fury .
17 The group is negotiating the sale of its remaining consultancy businesses and says this will leave it with a strong and focused base in advertising and marketing services .
18 The group is negotiating the sale of its remaining consultancy businesses and says this will leave it with a strong and focused base in advertising and marketing services .
19 That leaves us then with or would leave us with a substantial provision in Greater York .
20 However , this does leave us with the unanswered question of the extent to which schools reflect social practices and the extent to which they shape them .
21 I do n't know Norman 's reaction to Fergie 's story but I can say they have left me with a bitter feeling .
22 ‘ Oh , I did that , ’ she told him flatly , ‘ but if that was your intention which I doubt , do n't you think it might have been kinder to have left me with a few illusions ? ’
23 The leaders of the main parties and the Darlington candidates have left me with the following impressions .
24 It 's left them with a 5-year nightmare .
25 As described earlier , they include those who lack other supportive relationships , or whose previous relationship with the deceased has left them with an overwhelming sense of guilt , leading to self-punitive grief .
26 You can also use your yarn for weaving , which by combining it with another fine yarn , will lighten , darken or brighten it up considerably and leave you with a beautiful fine fabric .
27 A pair of racing shoes could lift your performance or leave you with an appealing but unnecessary extravagance .
28 What I hope to show is that the attacks on the reality and irreducibility of both subjective experience and thought leave one with no contentful conception of the world .
29 Like Paul , he had trained for the law in youth , and it had left him with a certain accuracy .
30 It had left him with a pronounced limp in his left leg .
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