Example sentences of "become [vb pp] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the town of Newton Stewart , not too far from Annan , a solicitor , Giles Davies , lost £1.8 million from his clients ' accounts because he became embroiled in a similar deal .
2 Berger also recalled last year 's Mexico Grand Prix , in which he and Nigel Mansell became embroiled in a tremendous battle during the closing stages of the race .
3 Although designed as a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the party 's foundation , the conference immediately became embroiled in a bitter struggle over the election of the ALP president , a largely ceremonial position .
4 Here he was a barrow boy who became embroiled in a pitched battle with children in Wilcox Road market , South Lambeth .
5 In the years that followed , press speculation dried up , scientific interest evaporated , and the whole affair became regarded as a laboured , pointless hoax .
6 From the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries , the educated élite became exposed to a heady concoction of western romantic , Idealist , and socialist ideas .
7 It is typical of Richard that he accepted the task with alacrity and succeeded with such brilliance that almost overnight he became recognized as a famous warrior .
8 Zambia became caught in a vicious circle because the mining industry is also heavily dependent on increasingly expensive imports , so that over time , output , investment and productivity fell .
9 As thousands of troops and vehicles , many loaded with looted goods , struggled north on the main road to Basra , they became caught in a congested and disorganized column many kilometres in length , and were subjected to hours of ruthless attack from the air with cluster bombs and , possibly , incendiary weapons .
10 Most extraordinary of these are the Cretaceous rudists ( p. 47 ) a group in which one valve became modified to a long cone , on which the other valve rested like a lid , the whole effect being most un-clammish .
11 Their cheery , knees-up-Muvver-Brown , cock-er-nee grin gradually became eroded by a grim awareness of reality as the Thatcher years dragged on .
12 The negotiations on British entry became fused with a wider debate in 1960–3 about the future of the Community .
13 Article 36 bis spelled out that the basis for a member State of an organisation becoming bound to a third party with respect to a treaty concluded by the organisation was its express agreement .
14 Physical exercise is becoming known as a valuable tool in treating depression , and if you find that hard to believe just try forcing yourself into a vigorous half hour 's sport , jogging or even just a brisk walk next time you feel low , and note the lift in your mood afterwards .
15 Continuity was assured by the performance becoming enshrined in a religious ritual which could never be broken for fear of offending the gods .
16 An attack of scab can lead to fruits becoming covered with a cracked , corky layer , accompanied by lesions in the leaves .
17 Later , it was argued that the coming of cultivation meant another , although admittedly much less traumatic change , and resulted in weaning becoming established as a major and most significant developmental stage .
18 Now it seems to be working over here too ; Alsace is becoming established as a reliable , perhaps even the most reliable , wine bar white available .
19 Thus , triticale is becoming established as a significant staple crop .
20 In another school the project became subsumed within a major review of the lower-school curriculum , and , as we have seen above , in School G the project gave birth to a completely new initiative , providing a mutual focus for the distinct aspirations of a number of departments and a shared resource base for more closely integrated interdisciplinary work .
21 Performance indicators quickly became used as a diagnostic tool to " inform " the accountability reviews which in turn developed " from departmental monitoring of broad strategies to deep monitoring of short-term operational plans and of control systems stretching right down to unit level " ( Harrison et al.
22 If all scientists were and remained normal scientists then a particular science would become trapped in a single paradigm and would never progress beyond it .
23 In terms of the concepts outlined above we could express Marx 's views thus : the economic class of proletarians ( propertyless sellers of labour power ) will necessarily become increasingly homogeneous in respect of income levels and conditions of life and work ; this will result in the increasing ‘ non-pertinence ’ of social collectivities based on branch of industry , religion , nationality , sex etc. , and the increasing pertinence of the social collectivity coterminous with the proletariat itself ; eventually as a result of the process of struggle this social collectivity will become organised into a corporate body — the trade union movement — and a political force : the communist movement or party .
24 First , a number of rules were specified about the use of rewards and punishers and it was suggested that a reward ‘ menu ’ be drawn up for each intervention in order that the child does not become satiated by a single type of reward which could then lose its reinforcing properties .
25 In a similar manner , if cells of the sponge ( the bath sponge is the skeleton laid down by the sponge ) are separated into a random mixture of individual cells they will actively move around and become reorganized into a normal sponge , with the cells in the correct relationship with one another .
26 Having accepted that deviance can become amplified through a positive feedback mechanism , and that the initial acts of deviance on which the system feeds are often quite minor , only a relatively weak explanation of the original deviance is called for .
27 A hazard is a threat which , given a set of circumstances , may become translated into a realized event .
28 The more viscous the lava , the more difficult it is to force it through a vent , and the vent may well become blocked with a slow-moving or stationary plug of lava .
29 Each grapheme is then translated into a corresponding phonemic representation on the basis of pre-established conversion rules ( each grapheme would become associated with a particular phoneme as one 's reading skills develop ) .
30 The Colonel was in a hurry , realising how essential it was to keep the momentum of the attack rolling ; otherwise the resistance might become coordinated into a strong , interlocked series of defence positions .
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