Example sentences of "become [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As we shall find , they became embroiled in the nationalist struggle .
2 Glass had his first contact with non-Western music in Morocco where he became fascinated by the geometric repetitions of Islamic art .
3 The days and nights that followed this procession became filled with the ghostly rhythms of the Ma'badong dance a cumulative mantric tone intended to induce altered states , which most successfully we found , interfered with our capacity to keep a grip on the job of filming .
4 She shivered again and then again until somehow it became impossible to stop and her whole body became racked with the uncontrollable involuntary movements .
5 A working group which was debating ways of running a common staff , increasingly became dominated by the apparent overmanning of both papers .
6 Apart from generalities relating to balanced inclined planes , one patent sought to protect details of the lift as a whole ; the second sought to protect the device of gradually reducing the gradient of the upper end of the incline to balance the apparent loss in weight of the descending tank as it became immersed at the lower level .
7 She was aware that these could be developed by investigative work , but once she became immersed in the new curriculum , struggling on occasions to keep her head above water , she began to lose sight of these objectives , focusing instead on the more familiar content objectives .
8 It is also worth noting that , as the analysts became immersed in the detailed examination , there was a tendency to forget that this was still part of the systems thinking stage , and that the models , activities and related information needs were those that were desirable in systems terms , and not did not necessarily reflect the real situation .
9 The child climbed out of the cab and became caught in the unguarded pto of the attached implement .
10 Bodies crushed and absorbed , Tallis-Holly herself became trapped in the quivering , silent forest that filled the stone place .
11 The cultivators became discouraged during the Japanese occupation and lack of export facilities , with the result that much land went out of cultivation .
12 One day , to escape heavy rain he wandered into a tavern called the ‘ Spotted Dog ’ which was kept by Joe Parrish , a veteran fighter , who became impressed with the young lad — then aged 16 — and began to teach him the science of the ring .
13 It was while travelling around the world for the UN that she first became impressed with the simple forms of cosmetics made from natural ingredients used by remote communities .
14 Dositej entered the Hopovo monastery in the Fruška Gora at the age of sixteen , but he soon became disillusioned with the restricted life of a monk and two years later he escaped .
15 Beginning with the organisation of bible classes in the rural communities while he was still a student at Cumberland University , he became disillusioned with the apparent inability of the current educational system to tackle adequately the problems of social and economic mis-development in Appalachia .
16 In short , they are seriously at risk of committing further offences and becoming trapped in the revolving door of custody .
17 We have n't gone , in physics , seriously into trying to understand the biological aspects , but then you see biology is becoming dominated in the last ten years by the understanding of basic biochemistry of cells .
18 , William ( c. 1789–1857 ) , surveyor and civil engineer , was born in Burntisland , Fifeshire , and educated at Burntisland and in Edinburgh before becoming apprenticed to the eminent Scottish land surveyor , John Ainslie [ q.v . ] .
19 Murtach shot his father a warning glance , but the big man merely shrugged , his deep eyes becoming shrouded by the overhanging brows .
20 Already the trade showed signs of becoming restricted to the immediate neighbourhood of Reading , whose clothiers seem to have controlled most of the output of Berkshire .
21 The area north of Bedford House , which itself was just north of the Green , consisted of orchard and market garden land , so Mr. Carr 's idea led to the area of Bedford Park becoming known as the first Garden Suburb , with three principal architects designing the buildings , Norman Shaw , E.W. Godwin and E.T .
22 By 1767 his method was becoming known on the European mainland , where it was recommended by Sir John Pringle [ q.v . ] .
23 Clearly , the mill must have been rebuilt on a number of occasions , becoming known from the 1850s as Severn Mill .
24 It appears to be quite selective as to which fish it invades , some becoming covered in the mutated cells into which the virus has incorporated its own genetic material , others escaping .
25 Known as FJ Gutmann in the 1930s , he anglicised his name to Goodman for the war years , serving in the ranks as a soldier before becoming attached to the Royal Air Force 's Photographic Interpretation Unit at Medmenham by the war 's end .
26 In the years when Hartley was building Albert Dock and other extensions of the system , Liverpool was rapidly becoming established as the second most important port in Britain , and Albert Dock , which has outlived its usefulness , stands as a monument both to Hartley and to Liverpool 's Victorian prosperity .
27 As an assistant in early 1643 to John Rushworth [ q.v. ] , clerk-assistant of the House of Commons , Mabbott became connected with the parliamentary army secretariat and acted as agent for the army , mainly in London , throughout the civil war and interregnum .
28 Through a project begun by West Yorkshire Archaeological Unit , Tony became connected with the Holy Wells Research and Preservation Group , and from there came the inspiration to revive a local tradition he had heard tales about since his childhood .
29 Somehow his feelings became detached from the critical procedures ( not that he does not handle and assess his own work critically , which he does ) .
30 The cult of the martyr became detached from the general cult of the community 's dead members .
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