Example sentences of "become [adv] [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The value of this approach became most evident in the period after the First World War , which many regard as marking the terminus of the era of belief in continuous evolutionary progress of human society .
2 But 1973 instead became most significant for the October Arab-Israeli War and a quadrupling of oil prices which further deepened the West 's economic difficulties .
3 It was a horrible practice , and became most common in the reign of Henry VII , and especially in the eastern counties .
4 Old land-owning families prospered and built under Queen Elizabeth I 's reign , but many of them became badly unstuck during the Civil War .
5 However , this view arises because a klima-genetische geomorphologie was proposed by Büdel ( 1963 ) and became widely available in the English reading literature in 1965 ( Holzner and Weaver , 1965 ) .
6 Instead of this , in the very act of shutting the door upon the departing couple , she became intensely aware of the house , as if she had now become the house .
7 In the Southern Ocean , in that great reverberating blue-green world I shared with nature , I became intensely aware of the way in which men and women have trapped themselves within cities .
8 In the event , the whole subject became rather fanciful in the writings of bygone heralds , their petty ‘ rules ’ never fully translated into practical expression .
9 Life now became rather difficult for the Durbeyfields .
10 In those circumstances , according to Mr Altman of New York University , the calculation about what capital structure to adopt became rather different from the conventional sort .
11 Their suspicions and anxieties were further fuelled when both Laud and the Archbishop of York , Richard Neile , were appointed to Charles 's privy council , and became intimately involved in the king 's plans to achieve a more ordered secular , as well as ecclesiastical commonwealth .
12 All at once she became achingly aware of the thinness of the cotton shirt that skimmed down over her thighs , the way the deep V where she had left it unbuttoned at the neck gave glimpses of the top curve of her breasts , and she immediately backed away .
13 By the time the threat to their system became suddenly apparent in the summer of 1989 , it was too late to shift the sort of fabulous amounts rumoured at Christmas 1989 into foreign accounts .
14 At his recommendation , the uniform of the British Army was changed to khaki which became so familiar in the subsequent world wars ,
15 Soon the room became so hot with the heat of the lamps , pupils had to strip down to their shirt sleeves and wear shorts when entering the room .
16 Because high-rise flats became so popular in the city in the 1970s , the demand for modular furniture appropriate for small residences rose .
17 Sinatra became so fond of the Lawfords that he kept a special room for them at his home .
18 O'Boyle eventually became so worried by the secret nature of
19 However , what such an analysis fails to take into account is that the evidence of wrong-doing that became so public in the United States would almost certainly have never surfaced in the United Kingdom , given the laws of libel and the willingness of the British people to tolerate secrecy in government .
20 Things became so bad for the Charles Bal later on in the evening that she had to spend the entire night tacking back and forth south east of Krakatoa , probably remaining within twenty kilometres of it — the ash-fall from the eruption was so thick that Captain Watson could not see well enough to steer away to safety , but ironically , the glare from the volcano provided a weird and somewhat improbable lighthouse .
21 This is insufficient to explain why radical protest suddenly became so salient in the late 1960s .
22 As such their contribution was crucial to the related locational changes in economic activity and in population which became so important from the third quarter of the eighteenth century .
23 The touring painters , however , showed little sympathy towards the quiet intimacy of the valleys and lakes which became so evident in the literature at the end of the 18th century .
24 From the sixth century the title papa became especially Roman in the West .
25 On the first official day of training on the course , the snow was soft and the conditions became extremely bumpy during the training run .
26 The bear became extremely angry with the fly , and eventually seized a huge stone and succeeded in killing it .
27 It became terribly hard in the winter .
28 When he was made redundant and no longer had this outlet for the expression of his masculinity , he became less confident in the caring aspects of his personality , almost as if afraid he would become all woman .
29 Party leaders became less influential in the choice of delegates .
30 It simply became less credible by the light of educated common sense .
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