Example sentences of "become [verb] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is noticeable that the Russell-Copleston debate became embroiled in a discussion of necessary propositions , a discussion made necessary by Copleston 's desire to show Russell that the world is such that it must be the case that it has a Creator .
2 In the week before the race , she became embroiled in a controversy over the skill of her opponent , the American Leigh Weiss , who had also steered international women 's crews but who was deemed not to know enough of the Boat Race course on London 's tideway .
3 Thomas of Sandwich subsequently became mayor of Bordeaux in 1289 , and became embroiled in a dispute with the burgesses which led to an appeal to the Parlement of Paris ; his place as seneschal of Ponthieu was taken by Richard de Pevensey .
4 Throughout his stay at Swindon , Macari became embroiled in a series of highly public incidents .
5 If these events became regarded as a norm for science then public confidence would be threatened .
6 Dysentery became regarded as a norm of life at Verdun .
7 Fawcett soon became regarded as a dasher , but a dodgy proposition on defence .
8 In 1891 came the publication of African Aphorisms , or Saws from Swahililand , an annotated collection of some 600 proverbs ; the work ( reissued in 1924 ) provided an outlet for his immense erudition , and became recognized as a classic in the domain of Swahili studies .
9 The fog lifted and the house became filled with a babble of excitable people , few of whom spoke English and who all arrived at once because they 'd been waiting for a clear passage .
10 He and Benjamin soon became immersed in a discussion on alchemy and the philosopher 's stone : the librarian also offered to take my master to see Narepool at the bottom of which , according to legend , Arthur 's Sword still lay .
11 It follows an incident in which a horse became trapped on a gate .
12 In fact the node became trapped by a strike and was eventually delivered very late .
13 It saves you from becoming under-insured as a result of inflation , with the risk of having to find thousands of pounds out of your own pocket in the event of a serious claim .
14 It is thus automatically kept up-to-date and , providing you were not underinsured to start with , you need no longer worry about becoming under-insured as a result of inflation .
15 Four youngsters were plucked to safety yesterday after becoming trapped on a cliff ledge at Seaham after the tide cut them off .
16 Three people were released by Billingham firemen after becoming trapped in a lift at Dawson House , Billingham .
17 Any failure to develop and promote a range of options — or the production of services ill-suited to real needs — deepens the likelihood of casework becoming trapped in a rut of ‘ patch and mend ’ activities .
18 Previously , investigations like this had been done mainly from the outsider 's point of view , and it was men like Evans-Pritchard ( 1902–73 ) , Radcliffe-Brown ( 1881–1955 ) , and , particularly , Malinowski ( 1884–1942 ) , who determined that the only really effective way of understanding the way of life of these peoples was to go and live among them for an extended period of time , learning their language , and becoming accepted as a member of their social groups .
19 He was educated locally at the National School and later at Wesley College , Sheffield , before becoming apprenticed to a wool spinner , John Brigg .
20 Castells argued that since production units were increasingly leaving the western city for rural and Third World locations , the urban unit was becoming characterized as a location for consumption .
21 Brierly , the first Special Rapporteur on the Law of Treaties , proposed the rejection of all the traditional methods of becoming bound to a treaty in favour of a single , less formal concept of acceptance .
22 Adoption can be seen as the logical answer to infertility , but as Brebner et al ( 1985 ) point out , if medical investigations/treatment for infertility fail and are performed without adequate psychological support , the subsequent depression and disappointment can cause couples to jump at adoption without recognising those aspects of parenthood which are peculiar to adoptive parenthood , which include : having to be assessed and monitored ; absence of pregnancy and birth ; becoming attached to a child born to someone else ; having to tell the child he or she is adopted .
23 Part of the remaining walls became incorporated into a police barracks in the nineteenth century .
24 That was before Stonehenge , in 1980 , became enclosed in a concentration camp cage , designed to keep people out , not in , and that fence was built before a Frenchman proposed to preserve the crumbling Sphinx by encasing him/her/it in a transparent plastic skin .
25 He left school at fourteen and after several jobs became apprenticed to a toolmaker and joined the Amalgamated Society of Toolmakers in March 1916 .
26 JC seh has a long history , almost certainly originating from a verb ( which later became reanalysed as a complementiser corresponding to " that " ) in one of the West African languages of the Kwa group .
27 After the expulsion of the Jesuits from Portugal in 1759 , the building became used as a barracks , and British troops were stationed here during the occupation of the island .
28 But sometimes the sciatic nerve can become irritated by a lack of blood supply .
29 The original may become contaminated with a computer " virus " .
30 Consequently , a semantic theory can become plagued by a proliferation of hypothetical senses and internal contradictions in ways we shall spell out below .
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