Example sentences of "government [noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Local authorities to a very great extent are responsible for the present ‘ grant control ’ which is exercised by Central Government for , whenever in recent years the Central Government have asked them to carry out some new function the local authorities have countered the request by a demand for a Government grant to assist with the new service .
2 The other event was the appointment of a government committee to enquire into the organisation and staffing of the Survey .
3 These include the ageing of the baby boom , the run-down of the New and Expanded Towns programme , the switch from slum clearance to housing rehabilitation and the reorientation of government policy to deal with the problems of the inner city areas .
4 Is it government policy to move in the direction of mixed ability classes ?
5 Is it Government policy to move in the direction of mixed ability classes ?
6 In fact , if one understands government growth to refer to the increase in the degree to which government affects the nature of the society in which it operates , it is possible to derive a variety of measures according to the different ways in which a government can influence its environment .
7 Ah well cos I think the newer one will be this is some government thing to do with the gas .
8 Otherwise people just stayed at home and ignored Government encouragement to come into the office .
9 This sometimes emboldens back-benchers belonging to the Government party to vote against the Government on issues on which they feel strongly .
10 The meeting was adjourned to allow the government time to appeal against the Supreme Court decision .
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