Example sentences of "government [vb pp] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Soviet Union entered 1991 without a budget , and with the USSR and Russian Federation governments locked in a dispute over the latter 's budget contributions .
2 First past the post and governments elected by a minority of the vote are sustainable only when there is a turnabout of minority governments .
3 During spring 1986 his government arranged for a number of ‘ spontaneous ’ demonstrations of support in the West Bank , and a series of newspaper articles appeared confirming popular support for his efforts and denouncing the PLO 's betrayal of an historic opportunity for peace .
4 The Francoist government responded with a measure appropriate to a wartime economy , issuing ration-cards for all basic necessities , such as bread , potatoes , eggs , meat and milk .
5 The government responded with a mixture of repression and concessions .
6 In this latter case a major controversy arose in the early 1980s between a Conservative government committed to a reduction in public expenditure and several local authorities controlled by the Labour Party .
7 In any case a government committed to a reduction in taxes on incomes would not welcome the substitution of LIT for domestic rates ( DOE/Welsh Office 1983a : 13 and 1986:23 ) .
8 After a tactical switch by the Liberal Democrats , the Government pushed through a vote to speed progress on the troubled bill , with the prospect of a possible all-night sitting .
9 The Japanese government decided on a number of occasions to foster particular industries , using a large armoury of policies .
10 The Czech government decided at a cabinet meeting on 10 March to give the go-ahead for completion of the Temelin nuclear plant in southern Bohemia .
11 In October the UK government agreed to a July request from the Legislative Assembly for a review of the 1972 Constitution .
12 In an effort to meet the terms set by the World Bank in June 1989 for the granting of a US$150,000,000 structural adjustment loan , the government agreed to a number of measures aimed at restructuring the banking , state and agricultural sectors .
13 Her government embarked on a policy of national reconciliation after a decade of revolution , war and political polarization .
14 Is there some inherent virtue in a system of government derived from a constitution , which is lacking in a country which does not have such a codified constitution ?
15 The political emphasis for these and other initiatives has been crucial to a Conservative government set on a course of action that can best be described by the phrase ‘ small is beautiful ’ .
16 Following some reluctance to become involved in air pollution control , the federal government opted for a research role in 1955 and only slowly did it begin to intervene with the control policies adopted by the states .
17 After independence , the ZANU government opted for a policy of reconciliation rather than confrontation with its white settler population , and by association with its direct southern neighbour , South Africa .
18 The National Bank was built as early as 1830 and in JTR 's time there was a comparable expansion of its administrative function just as today with all branches of government represented within a hand 's throw of the Square .
19 Because we believe in stable democratic government supported by a majority of the British people , we shall not only campaign wholeheartedly for fair votes in the coming weeks , we also make a pledge for the period after the election .
20 The Prime Minister heads a government composed of a Cabinet of her senior ministers and about eighty non-Cabinet ministers all bound to a policy implicitly approved by the electorate ; the Prime Minister and all her colleagues must justify their actions and their policies before parliament , and if parliament withdraws its confidence , they must resign and face the stern judgment of the electorate upon their stewardship .
21 We have seen in this account the rise and legitimation of Conservative criminology for a government elected on a law and order issue .
22 These brief indications drawn from the literature leave no doubt as to the scale of the problems facing the Labour government elected in a landslide victory in 1945 .
23 The Indian Government sent as a gift pieces of twelve different kinds of coloured marble which the architect deployed throughout the house , using their colours as a focus for the interior decoration .
24 Local authorities ( especially ‘ high-spending ’ Labour-controlled councils ) were prime targets , particularly since local government accounted for a quarter of public expenditure in 1979/80 .
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