Example sentences of "oh [pers pn] [verb] just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Bashed your dad 's side , the wing and we could see a policeman putting , it was pouring with rain and he was putting his er , big mac on and he should of been directing the traffic , he told us that , he come over to us and he was only young like and he said , oh I 'd just left , I was on duty here I 'd just left to go and put my mac on !
2 And I , when she 's revising she says oh I 've just done about change and theories of change .
3 Oh I 've just sent the fax to for a hundred pairs .
4 Oh I 've just thrown a whole load of screwed up ones out .
5 oh I 've just changed into a spider .
6 Oh I 've just cancelled it .
7 And I said oh when was that and she said just after you 'd gone to the bank and I said oh I 've just spoken to him .
8 Oh I 've just got ta go and see them at sa when they get it .
9 Oh I 've just got three .
10 Oh she 's just had a
11 oh you 've just had something to eat ai n't ya ? , without throw you about
12 You 've got to , oh you 've just to keep it straight .
13 Yes , Oh you 've just put , well I always put
14 Oh oh they 've just locked
15 we thought oh they 've just got out the guarantee .
16 Oh they 've just got on well
17 Oh it 's just come in , obviously yeah .
18 She said what time 's Mulberry coming in , said oh it 's just finished .
19 You may have a dozen doctors er how many has it got in there for instance , oh it 's just got four all right .
20 Oh it 's just dropped , did you hear that go ?
21 Oh he 's just eaten my toast out of my hand this dog !
22 But they had a new headmaster oh he 's just retired , he 's been there been there since Lynn was there when since she was since the er she 's twice that age so I mean he must have been there eighteen years but when he went there he 's er totally the school from the word go
23 Oh he 's just started .
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