Example sentences of "too [adj] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But the angle was too acute for the veteran striker .
2 After finding no takers for the painting at £4 million , Lady Cook consigned the painting to Christie 's for sale in April 1989 acting against the advice of her advisor Stephen Somerville , who cautioned that the powerful subject might be too strong for the average clientele ( ‘ Not many people would want an expensive picture of a man with a noose around his neck ’ , said one prominent member of the Old Master community , ‘ unless , of course , they 're into bondage ’ ) .
3 In the women 's race it was again a junior — 16-year-old Sinead Jennings from Letterkenny — who proved too strong for the senior opposition .
4 The Junior Leaders Regiment Royal Artillery , Bramcote , were too strong for the British Military Hospital , Rinteln , to emerge 13–0 winners of the Schweppes Army Minor Units Cup .
5 The sceptics argue that the cost of running rail services will prove too high and the return too low for the private sector .
6 High academic success did not come immediately to Roberts — he went as an undergraduate to the University of California at Los Angeles ( UCLA ) rather than the prestigious Cal-Tech , because his high school grades were too low for the latter .
7 However , the temperature today at the base of the Cytherean exosphere rarely exceeds about 300 K , which is too low for the thermal escape of very much hydrogen even over 4600 Ma , and chemical escape might not make a lot of difference .
8 The fact that I had not done so put me too high for the first available field , but with insufficient height for the next one .
9 He considered that a multiplier of 12 was substantially too high for the ordinary case of a man dying at age 53 , leaving a widow of 52 and a child of 18 .
10 He was too old to be called up ( a lost generation of men who were too young for the first war , too old for the second ) .
11 Likely among youngish thirties types who nonetheless feel too old for The Traditional .
12 Nicholson could not now appear in the film because he was too old for the original role which had been designated for him , and anyway he wanted to give it his fullest attention as director .
13 The admiration which churchmen such as Cardinal Arthur Hinsley and Bishop G. K. A. Bell of Chichester [ qq.v. ] had for Dawson involved him actively as vice-president in the Sword of the Spirit , a proto-ecumenical movement which , to his disappointment , proved to be too visionary for the Roman authorities of the time .
14 I have sketched oak trees in Richmond Park all week — all my lines are too light for the thick solidity of their girth .
15 Leonard recently referred to the memory of his father as ‘ a dark mass or mountain , ’ of which , clearly , the details were too painful for the young boy to register or the adult to express .
16 In the writings and arguments of ‘ experts ’ these problems are frequently represented as technical ones , and too specialised for the ordinary person to grasp .
17 If he 's met with an accident , the moors are far too vast for the two of us to cover much of an area before dark . ’
18 It is not wise to write , as some have done , of an expanding middle-class market for an ever-widening range of manufactured goods , for " middle-class " is a nineteenth-century usage and too restrictive for the eighteenth century .
19 The old Microsoft Disk Operating System — MS DOS — now used by some 80 million PCs , is too limited for the complex tasks demanded of computers today .
20 I would suggest it is too early for the Working Group to take a definitive view -Divisions may have to respond differently , it is not clear that consultancy is the answer , there still is opportunity to influence the size of the new authorities and then their structure and staff .
21 It was far too early for the immaculate and highly paid receptionist to be in ; in fact , no one below the level of partner was present .
22 What do you do at the end of the winter time and er spring arrives and it 's too warm for the electric blanket .
23 David Scott was not one of the more successful county politicians , and perhaps his attitude is a little too pure for the real world of eighteenth-century politics , but it represents , even if in an exaggerated form , the general political maxim that the politician performs friendly services for his friends without haggling over a bargain , or even implying that an understanding existed which might suggest that a vote was given for services rendered , or as in this case , for services which might be performed at a future date .
24 I believe , therefore , that Rousseau was right to look with apprehension on the fragmentation of society into a collection of interest groups , and to see that in such circumstances it is all too easy for the general interest , the good of the community as a whole , to be lost sight of .
25 Many people feared that the 1969 Act was too radical and would make life too easy for the young delinquent .
26 However , if they are applied in a legalistic or academic manner it is only too easy for the best interests of air safety to be pushed back into a position of secondary importance .
27 It can otherwise be all too easy for the blind child to be pushed and pulled about .
28 The pressure is seen as too burdensome for the black kid , who ‘ buckles under ’ it and withdraws into his enclave complaining about ‘ Babylon ’ and its inequalities but without doing anything about them .
29 Even worse , the curves into the new depot were too tight for the 4-wheel cars to enter , and had to be relaid .
30 Philips said the sale was agreed because Matsushita Electronics was becoming too large for the joint venture status to be appropriate .
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