Example sentences of "part [prep] a long [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Such thinking is part of a long tradition , finding its most clear formulation in the political philosophy of Hobbes where human society is presented as being in a state of ‘ warre ’ in which every man fights every other man for control of resources and for the ( presumed ) pleasure of dominance .
2 Tamayo 's insistence on using new materials to construct his prints is very much part of a long tradition in modern art .
3 A. G. Dickens , in particular , has consistently maintained that the anti-clerical tracts of lawyers such as Simon Fish and Christopher St German were not merely isolated examples of lay hostility to the church , totally unrepresentative of public opinion , but on the contrary part of a long tradition of anti-clericalism among the literate classes , and most especially London merchants , common lawyers , parliamentarians , and royal officials .
4 And even her clothes , once you had got over the original shock , were part of a long tradition of home-made outfits dating back to her days at the Mother Theresa Convent , South Wimbledon .
5 The other , even more revealing letter , was written early in 1945 , after Walter had spent part of a long leave with Viola and the children ( now alone , with divorce a matter of months away ) in their London flat .
6 Two thousand miles to the east of St Petersburg , the boxcar was part of a long train that had started out in St Petersburg a week earlier and had gone along the Trans-Siberian Railway .
7 She had been part of a long stream of women who had come and gone swiftly , lives collapsing in one area as they gained power and certainty in another .
8 Rose ( 1868 ) , do not obviously suggest serious historical study , but are rather part of a long series of more popular works on Mary , in which Jean Plaidy and Madeleine Bingham are among the most recent exponents ; and there is a certain charm about the publication , in 1793 , of a work by one J. F. Gaum , Marie Stuart und Marie Antoinette in der Underwelt .
9 As part of a long term study of child development these workers assessed 954 seven-year-olds of an original sample of 1037 children born between 1 April , 1972 and 31 March , 1973 in the city of Dunedin , New Zealand .
10 Those parts of the drying system recently installed will be retained with the new sections being added as part of a long term policy of improvements .
11 In terms of pupils development , a database should be seen as an integral part of an assignment and part of a long term , cross-curricular development of information skills .
12 Drugs were also seized and police say it was part of a long term campaign , codenamed Operation Lucy and targeted on a guns and drug network .
13 This is particularly true of regulations in heavily regulated fields such as agriculture , where they may be part of a long string of related measures or be limited to implementing a regulation of broader scope .
14 Henry II spent a large part of a long career campaigning in France ; but his wars added very little to what he had gained by marriage .
15 Most of the fields are still part of a long rotation based on grass , cereals and a conservation ley with Italian red clover .
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