Example sentences of "put him on [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Erm I mean I 'm concerned again through his eyesight that i were we to put him as the assistant and put him on a machine , that he might just put his hand somewhere and get his hand bloody trapped or whatever with his eyesight .
2 so they put him on a life support did they ?
3 But even if they , put him in a , put him on a poster why bother to ?
4 come Saturday they 'd rearranged the whole ward and they put him on a W R V S air bed , he were in heaven on this bed , I said why the fuck could n't you have done that earlier ?
5 If you put him on a wyvern there is a temptation to spend half the game flitting about behind the enemy lines or stuck up in the air .
6 Put him , put him on the whole of when you see him .
7 They they put him on the rail they tied him to the railway track so he 'd get run over by a train but I do n't think he did .
8 He cried for put him on the bed , could n't do no college work so I just went to bed and left him .
9 Put him on the telly , give him a bit of limelight and away goes our Colin !
10 And if Fido 's chewing the carpet , then put him on the couch .
11 " Put him on the table please , " I said , and as he lifted the little animal I decided that I could n't let this opportunity pass .
12 Mr. Mendez wanted to put him on a coach and send him down there in style , but Russell kept backing off .
13 One said it was pointless to put him on a waiting list , but letters from a grain merchant 's and from Littlewood 's Pools promised to file his application and interview him when he returned home .
14 I threatened to put him on a discipline charge because whenever the drunks were turning out , you 'd find him in the station writing some trivial bike without a light .
15 The other option for a Warlord is to put him on a wyvern or other big monster , but this is n't recommended .
16 It was former Dublin manager Kevin Heffernan who , McGilligan reckons , helped to put him on the road to success .
17 He was equally admired by literary critics , such as Southey and De Quincey ; Coleridge put him on a level with Shakespeare .
18 The sergeant followed him in and found him smoking and put him on a discipline charge — idling his time .
19 And if a pooch gets a little paunchy with all this pampering then put him on a health kick .
20 That put him on a par with most of the population , but I must have come up to his standards .
21 Life magazine put him on the cover and that single photograph of Manson , with his evil , hypnotic stare , became for the hysterical mass media , the face of a violent , drug-crazed substrata of society : the monster hidden in the heart of every hippie and longhaired supporter of a culture which seemed certain to encompass an increasing section of youth and bandwagonners .
22 To try to discover the form which put him on the verge of Ryder Cup honours in 1989 he finished 17th on the money list that year Walton has gone through around a dozen putters .
23 She put him on the chest of drawers and fetched a nut out of his special box .
24 It was his own early instincts as a risk taker which first put him on the path that was ultimately to lead to him becoming chairman and chief executive of Hilton International .
25 That application form put him on the ladder , not only to the top of the Japanese profession , but to international recognition — on 1 January this year he took over the chairmanship of the International Accounting Standards Committee .
26 They put him on an airliner .
27 As Fielding jokes : ‘ Margaret Thatcher could put him on a pedestal as a young fucking Tory ! ’
28 He watched her trembling lip , and added , ‘ You should n't put him on a pedestal .
29 If there 's no room on your mantelpiece , could you not put him on a stick for a scarecrow ?
30 Do not immediately put him on the lead , for this will reinforce the idea that when he comes back to you , he is immediately going to be taken home and , in future , will associate coming to you with the end of the walk or game .
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