Example sentences of "put it [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Put it over the wheat-rick , so the wind ca n't blow the flames from the hay-rick on to it !
2 McAllister had a great chance but put it over the bar .
3 Like say last week me and Russell never got up before , oh my mother and father come to the house right and it was quarter past ten and we were still in bed and my father put the milk cos the , my milkman leaves my milk by the gate because , with the dog , he always used to leave the gate open so I used to let the dog out in the morning and the dog would go out so I said do n't put the milk by the door , leave it just , put it over the gate cos I like the gate left shut .
4 ‘ Take one of the strips of plaster from my arm and put it over the girl here 's mouth .
5 The thing is , if they always give you and you , your , nine times out of ten what they do is like , is either , they either put a can over there or a beer or something , they put it over the end of the , the weapon pull the trigger and that , even with a flash that can go like that , and then they show you one with the , the erm flashes right which have more powerful than the and they 've actually got same again same charge as a life grenade in , but it just plain cardboard so , obviously no trap , but if you lay on them ooh er , you get or something you do n't throw what they do now is they put one they light one , put the helmet over the top of it and make it lit , it runs like buggery and it 'll go a hundred , a hundred and fifty foot up in the air and inside it looks like its been and where its been in the thing it 'll be like er , six seventy foot off the ground , I mean I laid on one once and I , landed about two foot too my left so I 've rolled over , rolled , rolled , and rolled , as I 've rolled I 've rolled over on my back and I 've had all loads of over , like the , I had a roll there its like the er
6 She got the thin iron frying pan from the shelf and put it over the heat with some fat in it .
7 From Britain — you 'd probably smuggle it to France , put it through a maze , you know , take it south , country roads ; that 's half a day with two drivers .
8 He put his arm out and put it through a glass panel .
9 He put his arm out and put it through a glass panel .
10 Probably put it through a car-wash .
11 Put it through a ring , you know .
12 Put it through the hatch .
13 Put it through the hatch .
14 Put it through the computer anyway .
15 At that moment it had been appropriate to put big pickets you know I think if we thought too much about it we would have and taken it to the lodge and put it through the union it would have had cold water put over it and you know it was right for Tom to be wary and it was probably right for us to do what we did I mean I think you know it it was successful the way it turned out .
16 ‘ Eventually , I wrote a note and put it through the letter box saying we would love to buy the house if it ever came up for sale . ’
17 Quinn took the photo to the table , put it under the spotlamp and found a powerful magnifying glass in the drawer .
18 During the week , whenever they were out , she insisted that she roll her hair up and put it under the cap .
19 But when on first hearing of this arrangement I tried to inform Miss Kenton of it , she once again refused to converse with me , and in order to accomplish matters as quickly as possible I was actually obliged to write a note and put it under the door of her parlour .
20 She took it off and carefully put it under the boy 's leg .
21 He stopped all isolationist trends in the Sicilian Church and clearly put it under the papacy .
22 He never even glanced at it , and put it under the horse 's nose at once .
23 They must carbon-date it and put it under the microscope , and we must examine Aziz carefully and get him to say where he found it .
24 They put it under the fire .
25 You could take it to the kitchen and put it under the grill of the electric cooker in order to get it hot , without knowing why it should be hot .
26 You lay the knife beside the umbrella , heft the gun and put it under the duvet to click the safety off .
27 But , as Heseltine 's private secretary , the highly regarded Ministry of Defence official Richard Mottram , put it during the trial of Clive Ponting , ‘ In highly-charged political matters , one person 's ambiguity may be another person 's truth . ’
28 " Take a quart of Creme and a pint of rhenish wine and the juice of 4 lemons sweeten it to your taste and put in some leamon peele then whip it up with a small rod and put it with a spoone into syllabub glasses . "
29 Put it with the other .
30 Another accident we had with an a wardrobe two of my lads had which was a funny one in retrospect but I some when you carry a wardrobe , funnily enough , the easiest way often if you 've got a tight corner , you know as you go round a corner in a staircase you 'll come from a landing and often turn right or turn left to go down , if you put it at an angle like that then you wo n't get it round the corner without catching the bannister .
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