Example sentences of "child 's [noun sg] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 To my knowledge there has been no research that has set out to study from the start how far a child 's attachment to a new family or carer is impeded or not or whether ‘ the child 's personality will be damaged ’ where a birth parent or relative keeps contact whilst the child is with psychological parents .
2 Just for a child to know that someone will be interested in her work or to have the opportunity to do something for someone else and know it will be appreciated can significantly change the child 's attitude to the task .
3 A witness summons should not be issued to compel the attendance of a child witness where this would be oppressive or damaging to the child 's welfare to an extent which would outweigh the legitimate interest of any other party to the proceedings ( R v Birmingham CC , ex pP [ 1991 ] 1 WLR 221 ) .
4 The court will not however compel his attendance by issue of a witness summons where this would be oppressive or damaging to the child 's welfare to an extent which would outweigh the legitimate interest of any other party ( Butler-Sloss LJ in R v Birmingham CC , ex pP , cited above ) .
5 The LEA 's decision to allow the child 's admission to the school was challenged by the Commission for Racial Equality , which asked the Secretary of State to use his default powers in the 1944 Act and quash the LEA 's decision , on the ground that the decision was racist and would encourage other parents to pursue the same course as Mrs C and for the same reason .
6 The court should approach an application for leave under section 10(9) on the basis that the local authority 's plans for the child 's future are designed to safeguard and promote the child 's welfare and that any departure therefrom might disrupt the child 's life to the extent of harming him ( post , pp. 429H — 430D ) .
7 If a child has been made the subject of a supervision requirement following a referral to a children 's hearing on an offence ground , and that supervision requirement has been terminated and the child reappears before another children 's hearing , the main factors that the later hearing will need to consider to perform their statutory functions are why the child appeared before a children 's hearing , the reasons for that hearing 's disposal and , most particularly , the child 's response to the disposal ; in short , a children 's hearing would want to know the very things section 4 appears to prevent it ascertaining .
8 Nor do I think we are , as a rule , justified as we may be with adults in using a child 's attraction to the worker to advance casework .
9 Another respondent commented on the child 's relationship to the foster family and the natural family as follows :
10 Turn the child 's head to the side frequently to clear any water that comes up .
11 However , when this approach is used with single children or with small groups , it may still not be possible to attribute any observed changes in the child 's language to the effect of the intervention .
12 Carloman 's widow , child , and a small band of supporters were welcomed by the Lombards , who pressed the child 's claim to a share of the Frankish kingdom .
13 First , we can distinguish modifications that facilitate the child 's access to the organisation of the language system : features such as simplicity of structure , well-formedness , clarity of pronunciation etc Second , there are adjustments that have as their goal the achievement of mutual comprehension and , in particular , the adult 's understanding of the child 's intention .
14 I think we may attribute the child 's recovery to the gas , not forgetting the excellent nursing . ’
15 But it 's important too to draw the child 's attention to the patterns of spelling , and to show him how to analyse words .
16 To help you assess your child 's reaction to the diet objectively , you should keep a score-sheet of symptoms for each day .
17 Other family members ' response will also influence a child 's reaction to the disease .
18 Often children 's response to a picture is limited by their vocabulary and their ability to describe features .
19 At Edgehill , the science department was divided into biological and environmental sciences , instead of the traditional biology , physics and chemistry ; the head teacher was a conscious advocate of innovation in comprehensive schooling ; in the third school , Meadowvale , the science department had decided to redraft its entire first and second year science curriculum , in part because of the children 's response to the VISTA visits organized by GIST .
20 Parental expectations , children 's exposure to a range of experience , and the availability of structured education were different , for example , for the five-year-old in the 1930s and 1950s , and these are different from those of the late 1980s .
21 On 3 April 1992 , following a hearing in chambers , Booth J. refused to order the children 's return to the State of Victoria .
22 The company also sponsors the Blue Peter Green Book , a children 's guide to the environment produced by the BBC TV programme .
23 The plight of children infected with HIV was recently highlighted by Princess Diana when she presented a report by the National Children 's Bureau to a London conference on the impact of AIDS on family life .
24 Yet he is required to hand over his children 's future to the ‘ non-ideological ’ market forces he thinks are largely responsible for getting us all into this mess in the first place .
25 The need to assist a stranger , even a foreign one , even a strange foreign animal , badly injured outside one 's home will bring the children 's party to a halt .
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