Example sentences of "must be seen [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The social world must be seen through the actors ' eyes because it depends on how they see it and it works in whatever way social capacities are exercised .
2 His genesis was part of a much longer creative process and must be seen as the culmination of eleven centuries of English literary history .
3 Taken all in all , though , it must be seen as the greatest of all the pending threats to present day life .
4 The construction of 28 new towns after 1946 , housing more than 1.1 million people by 1987 ( Potter , 1987 ) , must be seen as the major positive achievement of town and country planning in the UK .
5 Of these , the 4I B Millardet and the So 4 both promote an early ripening of grapes , while the So 4 must be seen as the most effective in terms of drought resistance , suitability to the humid conditions of Champagne and increased yields .
6 The view of the early church , which Aulén insists must be seen as the classic theory , he calls the ‘ dramatic ’ .
7 It would be impertinent to suggest that Keynes dichotomised his private and professional life and in this sense discretionary monetary policy and deficit spending by government although recommended as a technical solution to a technical problem , must be seen as the prescriptions of a self-confessed immoralist .
8 In a comparable way , our concept of the individual must be seen as the conjuncture of the various practices which make up the complex whole .
9 She writes : ‘ The process of inspiration must be seen as the inspiration of those people , especially of poor women , struggling for human dignity and liberation from oppressive powers , because they believe in the biblical God of creation and salvation despite all experiences to the contrary . ’
10 This introspection must be seen as the opposite pole to Canova 's universalism and provides new insights into the terms ‘ sensuous ’ and the ‘ sensual ’ today .
11 If Chichester Cathedral represents the peak of secular church activity it must be seen against the whole range of minor church building which accompanied the extension of the parish system .
12 It must be seen against the social background of early Anglo-Saxon society in the seventh century .
13 That the SNP managed to exploit nationality — to make it politically pertinent — in 1974 must be seen against the background of Scotland , and West Central Scotland in particular , as one of the relatively ‘ depressed regions ’ of the United Kingdom .
14 Many were seeking to get out while they could , so many indeed that Ramsay feared that they must be seen by the blockading English ships lying off , for the July night was less dark than he could have wished .
15 To be given tax free , such allowances must be seen by the Inland Revenue as being reasonable in amount and properly controlled .
16 When the shift of emphasis from moral to liturgical kingship came , it must be seen in the changing political context of ninth- and tenth-century Europe , and the emergence of new dynasties all over the once-unified empire of Charlemagne ; one of their principal qualifications to rule was their capacity to defeat external enemies .
17 Its two main preoccupations are , first , that reality is ( at least in part ) determined by the perceiver and , second , that individual freedom must be seen in the context of metaphysical necessity .
18 For Caroline Spry , what has happened to the women 's film and video sector must be seen in the context of the dissipation of the broader women 's movement .
19 In order to understand the implications of this legislation it must be seen in the context of overall Tory economic policy on employment .
20 Moreover , the developments in any school must be seen in the context not only of the perspectives on curriculum change of key individuals but also of the personal aims , philosophies and motivations of the people concerned .
21 Functionalist theories of stratification must be seen in the context of functionalist theories of society .
22 What is important to stress is that Nizan 's life and work must be seen in the context of his youth .
23 Organisations are complex social systems , but must be seen in the context of their technology — ie. they are socio-technical systems .
24 The Comintern 's attitude towards Latin America must be seen in the context of its view of how the national liberation movement in ‘ colonial ’ countries should be evaluated in relation to the world socialist revolution .
25 The staging of this conference must be seen in the context of certain foreign-policy imperatives for Castro ( to accommodate himself with the Soviet Union and to re-establish the link between Cuba and the revolutionary process in Latin America ) .
26 The actions of the USSR must be seen in the context of a dramatic change in the international situation , caused by the shooting down on 1 May of a US U2 spy plane flying over the heart of continental Russia .
27 In our view , the impact of out-of-town shopping on the viability and vitality of town centres must be seen in the wider context of the growing imbalance between private and public modes of transport .
28 The limited , but in permissive terms essential , role of government in the supply of what later ages were to know as " social overhead capital " must be seen in the context of the close identification the political nation made of the public interest with that of property owners .
29 The impact of the Spanish Civil War on British public opinion must be seen within the wider context of the international events of the 1930s .
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