Example sentences of "must be in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Editor , — D J M Reynolds and J K Aronson indicate in their article on monitoring treatment with theophylline that , to achieve an optimum effect in the absence of complicating factors , plasma concentrations of theophylline must be in the range of 55–110 µmol/l .
2 Media Types must be in the range 1 to 10 and these must previously have been introduced using option 9.5.0 — Update Media Types .
3 Media Types must be in the range 1 to 10 and these must previously have been introduced using option 9.5.0 — Update Media Types .
4 For instance , it must be at an undervalue and made at a time when the company was unable to pay its debts , the company must be in the course of being wound up in England or subject to an administration order , and so on .
5 It is necessary that a person supplied a defective product for there to be liability and this supply must be in the course of a business .
6 ( a ) The supply must be in the course of business This requirement is a common feature of consumer protection legislation and applies to both sale ( s14 ) and supply transactions ( ss4 , 9 of SGSA 1982 ) .
7 Any major broker must be in the U K because er er they are exposed to the public view if you like , and if there are any errors or , or deceptions then they 're likely to come up very quickly .
8 For a quotation on the USM only 10 per cent of the shares must be in the possession of the general public .
9 They must be in the dishwasher .
10 In some cases , authorities will have policies on the selection of microcomputers e.g. that all new microcomputers must be in the BBC range or be IBM compatible .
11 Must be in the hold . ’
12 So it must be in the records somewhere .
13 But in an emergency or disaster situation , the knowledge base must be in the computer system and there should be no skill barrier to access the system .
14 To marry by certificate with licence either of the partners must have lived in the area for 15 days ad both must be in the country when notice is given .
15 If it 's on the tank he must be in the lav , he never takes food in there with him . ’
16 Well , they ca n't get into the gardens from this side , so they must be in the woods .
17 The good news was that Charles 's conjecture mug have been correct : Alex must be in the hut .
18 The passport must be in the clinic .
19 ‘ Now our inner cities must be in the vanguard of the new alternative that Labour is building philosophies of empowering people , of realising potential rather than wasting it and of celebrating each life .
20 ‘ Now our inner cities must be in the vanguard of the new alternative that Labour is building philosophies of empowering people , of realising potential rather than wasting it and of celebrating each life .
21 Tony explains for the wide-eyed accomplice that the green colour shows the presence of copper in the flame , and because the colour does n't appear with an undipped spill , the substance must be in the liquid .
22 Himself is right : half of them must be in the pay of the Foley Street mob .
23 A relatively simple question like ‘ Are you a happy man ? ’ ( one assumes he must be in the wake of the successful opening ) is followed by a 15 minute answer .
24 ( e ) Students are required to submit tests for marking according to a pre-determined timetable ; each test shows the latest date by which it must be in the tutor 's hands .
25 I was beginning to think I must be in the doghouse for some reason . ’
26 So what we do is erm your your cursor must be in the table somewhere , so you then go up to table , select table , then you 've got to format , border , and grid so we want the grid lines to show then in fact you can chose what we want for the outside border one of these Right , okay Now what I want you to do is set the questions , right ?
27 Letters of Request must be in the language of the authority requested to execute it ( or be accompanied by a translation into that language ) ; or in English or French , unless a party has made a reservation under Article 33 excluding the use of English or French ; or in another language which a Contracting State has declared its readiness to accept .
28 A request to a person to appear or to give evidence must be in the language of the place where the evidence is to be taken , unless the witness is a national of the requesting State .
29 Well it must be in the front here of my , here one of those two small
30 Because by definition it is not related to an existing settlement , it is not in the greenbelt , it must be in the countryside .
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