Example sentences of "must be see as the " in BNC.

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1 His genesis was part of a much longer creative process and must be seen as the culmination of eleven centuries of English literary history .
2 Taken all in all , though , it must be seen as the greatest of all the pending threats to present day life .
3 The construction of 28 new towns after 1946 , housing more than 1.1 million people by 1987 ( Potter , 1987 ) , must be seen as the major positive achievement of town and country planning in the UK .
4 Of these , the 4I B Millardet and the So 4 both promote an early ripening of grapes , while the So 4 must be seen as the most effective in terms of drought resistance , suitability to the humid conditions of Champagne and increased yields .
5 The view of the early church , which Aulén insists must be seen as the classic theory , he calls the ‘ dramatic ’ .
6 It would be impertinent to suggest that Keynes dichotomised his private and professional life and in this sense discretionary monetary policy and deficit spending by government although recommended as a technical solution to a technical problem , must be seen as the prescriptions of a self-confessed immoralist .
7 In a comparable way , our concept of the individual must be seen as the conjuncture of the various practices which make up the complex whole .
8 She writes : ‘ The process of inspiration must be seen as the inspiration of those people , especially of poor women , struggling for human dignity and liberation from oppressive powers , because they believe in the biblical God of creation and salvation despite all experiences to the contrary . ’
9 This introspection must be seen as the opposite pole to Canova 's universalism and provides new insights into the terms ‘ sensuous ’ and the ‘ sensual ’ today .
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