Example sentences of "must be for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever your feelings about such treatments and that must be for the individual to decide there is no doubt that its deeply relaxing effect can only be good for you .
2 It had been submitted that such recapture was confined to cases of ‘ hot pursuit ’ and that this criterion was not satisfied in the present case ; but in cases involving mental patients the manner of pursuit must be for the discretion of those undertaking it and ‘ hot ’ pursuit might be inappropriate .
3 It must be for the lender to take the responsible decision .
4 Just how small the signals must be for the Z and h-parameter equations to apply with constant sets of parameters depends on the particular case .
5 ‘ for the purpose of prostitution ’ Means that loitering or soliciting must be for the purpose of offering her body etc. for reward as outlined at point 2 ante .
6 They are closely interrelated , separated though they must be for the purpose of analysis — and they are all questionable .
7 And how heartening his recovery must be for the families of other coma victims .
8 ‘ That must be for the Government . ’
9 So at the end of the day it must be for the courts to decide how to classify particular functions , and this can only be done on the basis of some normative judgment about the desirable scope of judicial review .
10 In view of the conclusion which their Lordships have reached , namely , that the defendant 's conviction should be quashed and that it must be for the Court of Appeal in Jamaica to say whether a new trial should be ordered , their Lordships consider that it is unnecessary , and indeed undesirable in the interests of justice , to examine the rival contentions and the facts to which they relate with the same particularity as their Lordships would have felt bound to do if their recommendation had been in favour of dismissing the appeal .
11 Indeed , because of the court 's limited power , the policy of ultimate caution must be for the terms of any conveyancing documentation to be agreed between the respective solicitors before the consent order is applied for .
12 The Big Bang Theory , which is anyway much simpler , explains phenomena rather than , conversely , requiring postulated phenomena in order to explain it , and therefore must be for the moment preferred — although elsewhere we shall consider a variant of the ‘ Little Bang ’ Theory
13 If the contract is not for the sale of specific goods then it must be for the sale of unascertained goods .
14 This being so , the principal concern must be for the worth and value of the planned activities : something that requires an intrinsic evaluation .
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