Example sentences of "must be [verb] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The choice theory picks up the libertarian strand , which insists that all state power must be legitimated by consent , whereas the ‘ harm to interests ’ theory taps the slender source of Millian liberalism to defend a broadening of the scope of contractual obligations .
2 We can therefore in analysing the public institutions make use of the parallel with the private sector , but it must be tempered by consideration of the monopoly position of the government agency and the limitations on entry .
3 Generally speaking , any recital must be supported by proof of a marked or examined copy of the document giving rise to the recital .
4 Each point made must be supported by fact and in turn generates more questions which may be answered in that paragraph .
5 That is , the paths leading up to the decision point must be differentiated by score .
6 A large number of facts relevant to a theory must be ascertained by observation under a wide variety of circumstances , and the extent to which the theory can be shown to be true or probably true in the light of those facts by some kind of inductive inference must be established .
7 To make most rivers navigable , the water level must be raised by building weirs ; there is little doubt that the navigation structures built on the Leicestershire Soar in the 1770s worsened the local drainage , as did eighteenth- and nineteenth-century navigation works on the Thames and in Somerset .
8 ‘ We have a tradition that sex and reproduction must be attended by privacy , dignity and romance .
9 Hooliganism , vandalism and more serious crimes against the person and property must be tackled by neighbourhood watch schemes .
10 In a similar way , the reactance of a capacitance of the prototype low-pass filter must be replaced by which is of the form where Apparently , to synthesise the band-pass response , any capacitance of the prototype must be replaced by capacitance in parallel with inductance , the values of which are given by equations ( 12.47 ) and ( 12.48 ) .
11 Analysis of cells from these rats showed that drug action had interfered with the expression of genes for some of the proteins designed to move sugar into muscle and fat cells , exactly the target tissues which must be stimulated by insulin if they are to take up excess sugar .
12 The standard must be fixed by reference to the hypothetical reasonable parent and how he or she would act in certain circumstances but must also be related to the needs of the child in question .
13 That question must be determined by reference to general principles , or which the first ( and in most cases also the last ) is that judicial proceedings are supposed to take place openly , and publication of those proceedings is ‘ merely enlarging the area of the court , and communicating to all that which all has the right to know ’ ( per Lord Halsbury , L.C. in MacDougall v. Knight [ 1989 ] A.C. 194 at p.200 .
14 The relevant factors will vary from company to company , from SBU to SBU , and perhaps from investment to investment , so they must be determined by reference to specifically relevant competitive-strengths criteria .
15 The optimum time must be determined by trial and error .
16 A member State of an organisation which is a third party to a treaty concluded by the organisation has no special status under the Vienna Convention on International Organisations ; its position must be determined by application of Articles 34–38 .
17 The Bible is treated primarily as a human product ; the world is explored by human investigation , and only what can be established rationally and scientifically is to be believed ; religion itself must be validated by reference to human experience , human values and human reason .
18 I , of course , accept that if the privilege against self-incrimination is to be abolished or abridged , then this must be done by Parliament , as has occurred in a number of statutes .
19 If they could not be enlightened by persuasion it must be done by force .
20 All reaping must be done by hand using sickle and scythe due to the difficulty in using modern machinery .
21 Presumably this is intended as a safeguard : if the Home Secretary is not in his office , he must be contacted by telephone if necessary to give his consent .
22 Silver is becoming increasingly concerned that the Euro championships will be taken away from Elland Rd ( despite the fact that a new pitch is going to be laid at the end of the season ) , and says that Hunslet must be gone by spring 1995 at the latest .
23 Now , there is a basic constitutional principle , embodied in the Bill of Rights of 1688/9 , that the levying of taxes must be authorized by statute , and so there is an argument for saying that non-statutory rules made by the Revenue which effectively determine a taxpayer 's liability to tax are ‘ unconstitutional ’ .
24 It is the registration that must be obtained by fraud .
25 The rule , introduced for this season , states players must be registered by midday on the last working day before a game .
26 A small winter meeting of select counsellors considered issues likely to arise in the coming year : an example , says Hincmar , is the decision on whether to renew or break a truce on a particular part of the frontier , given that trouble in one part must be offset by stability in another .
27 The performance of the duties of the manager must be secured by hypothec , guarantee , deposit , and so on .
28 There 's such sad unenthusiasm , on the other hand , about the way Stanford confuses personal doubt with the existence of mystery , as if one engenders the other , and , in doing so , must be assuaged by performance of some farcical rites .
29 An artist 's contribution now , he says , must be assessed by reference to his positioning within the process of production .
30 In particular , any intention to deceive , or recklessness or negligence , must be assessed by reference to general market standards and behaviour .
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