Example sentences of "must [vb infin] on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the ‘ energy ’ ideas are based on dowsing results , but until these can be cross-referenced with physical monitoring they must remain on the wilder shores of the subject .
2 HAVING watched Carrick Rangers through the years from as far back as the B Division days I feel I must comment on the pathetic lack of support given to the manager by the board .
3 We must focus on the profitable deployment of every aspect of that asset base . ’
4 The debate must focus on the key issue of what good practice means in this school .
5 but er , I think we must concentrate on the decisive people as well to get these places on
6 To be fully effective , managers must concentrate on the total organisation and environmental changes instead of on artificial internal segments .
7 John Nef , in his Wiles Lectures of 1956 , concluded that , if we seek the origins of our modern quantitative-mindedness , we must concentrate on the last decades of the sixteenth century .
8 The first two larval stages usually feed on bacteria , but the L3 , sealed off from the environment by the retained cuticle of the L2 , can not feed and must survive on the stored nutrients acquired in the early stages .
9 A notice must appear on the daily order paper under the heading ‘ at the commencement of public business ’ .
10 I must finish on the tenth
11 He stressed that we must capitalise on the traditional Scottish capacity for inventiveness and recognise that education itself is always an investment rather than an on-cost .
12 One can speak loosely of a ‘ non-fullerene cluster ’ , but there is likely to be a variety of such clusters and the collapse size must depend on the chemical bonding in the cluster .
13 Hence it must be obvious that the cure of those diseases must depend on the same principles as the former : from which it is likewise evident that a regular education is necessary to the Farrier ’ .
14 In fact their approach is based on the solution ( 10.8 ) , which may be re-expressed in the form ( 14.8 ) for suitable functions and which must depend on the initial data .
15 In the words of Lord Greene in Davies v Collins [ 1945 ] 1 All ER 247 : Whether or not in any given contract performance can properly be carried out by the employment of a sub-contractor , must depend on the proper inference to be drawn from the contract itself , the subject matter of it and other material surrounding circumstances .
16 Then he must decide on the appropriate response , which is a legal , as well as a medical , decision .
17 as if conscious of the damaging effect this group must have on the imagined relationship between the Poet and the Friend , damaging to the Poet and damaging to the reader 's view of both the Friend and the Poet ( ‘ why does he persevere ? ’ readers may ask in some irritation when confronted with such a catalogue of the Friend 's faults ) , Shakespeare sets matters even by writing what seems to be a related group where the Poet describes his own faults ( 109 , 110 , 111 , 112 ; 117 , 118 , 119 , 120 ) .
18 Now it is time for the new generation born in the wilderness to cross the Jordan , and to begin to take possession of the Land , led not by Moses , of course , since he must die on the wrong side of the river , but by Joshua .
19 You must apply on the official form — but do n't be put off by that !
20 Any minister must rely on the operational advice he is given by the managers on the ground .
21 Yes , he 's always jumping on me to tell me to do more for local radio and get South East Arts and South East Arts clients more regularly in contact with local radio , and I must admit on the latter case I do think that many of our clients do spend a great deal of time and erm want to be active with local radio .
22 An adequate explanation of the greater incidence of poverty among women in old age must reflect on the social and economic status of women before as well as after retirement and , therefore , the systems of distribution which determine status and access to resources .
23 We must resolve on the forty fifth anniversary to continue in our support .
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