Example sentences of "must [verb] with [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A nurse must remain with the patient to ensure a clear airway until the patient is conscious and the cough reflex has returned .
2 Third parties may provide technical advice but the responsibility must stay with the user .
3 Charlie assumed that he must fall with every pace he took , as he watched the lieutenant treat the German wire as just another hurdle , before running on towards the enemy trenches as if they were the finishing line in some race being held at his public school .
4 If a healthy personality is to be formed the psychic image of the child must merge with the reality of what the child actually is .
5 But the borrower must cooperate with the lender , particularly by answering correspondence and making contact at the earliest possible moment .
6 This is largely a matter of forming the habit of noting the wind from smoke or some other indication and of orientating yourself relative to the sun or an obvious feature such as a coast line , i.e. remember something along the lines of ‘ Into wind is into sun ’ , or say to yourself , ‘ I must land with the sun over my left shoulder ’ , etc .
7 The piano accompaniment must grow with the item .
8 I must begin with a coincidence which I would not dare to recount if this were a work of fiction .
9 A system of flags is also stored here to indicate whether the word must begin with a capital to form a valid word , if the word is a common mis-spelling and a flag detailing whether the word can begin a compound stored in the compound tree .
10 Each integrated session must begin with a period of preparation lasting approximately 45–60 minutes .
11 Any capital expenditure decision must begin with an appraisal of the investment benefits .
12 A plan must begin with an understanding of the question .
13 To understand de Gaulle 's monarchy , one must begin with the man himself , since he believed so firmly that policy should reflect an individual will rather than an ideology or a process of political bargaining .
14 Any discussion about the marketing mix must begin with the product .
15 So we must begin with the context , the 600,000 square miles of suffering that is the pock-marked face of the North-East , where cloying fields of sugar cane rot amidst hunger and disease , where authoritarian landlords compete for power with anarchistic bandits , and rural labourers are bound to a semi-feudal plantation economy in a state of perpetual anxiety .
16 Today the only statutory requirement is the ½ per cent cash ratio that banks must keep with the Bank of England .
17 Out of this fraught legal and financial tangle the bureau worker must work with the client to create order and stability .
18 Come now , let us all see what you 've done for us , then you must celebrate with a glass of champagne , must n't she Charles ? ’
19 To coin an American phrase : ‘ The buck must stop with the manager
20 The Cairo conference , which met in November-December 1943 and was attended by Roosevelt , Churchill and Chiang Kai-shek , agreed that the Pacific War must conclude with the expulsion of Japan from all parts of the empire she had accumulated since 1895 .
21 We do not believe the guidance in MPG6 paragraph 71 that minerals applications should simply ‘ have regard to ’ the development plan reflects that contained in PPG12 ; namely that ‘ development must accord with the development plan unless material considerations dictate otherwise ’ .
22 We do not believe the guidance in MPG6 paragraph 71 that minerals applications should simply ‘ have regard to ’ the development plan reflects that contained in PPG12 ; namely that ‘ development must accord with the development plan unless material considerations dictate otherwise ’ .
23 The use of sanctions must accord with the Department 's policy covering these measures .
24 Pete could only guess that she must move with the grace of a gazelle .
25 Change in itself is not enough ; it must happen with the acceptance and understanding of those who are most affected .
26 If there is a case to answer , the court must proceed with a presumption of guilt .
27 Once the period of notice has expired the LEA must proceed with the assessment , provided it considers it appropriate having regard to the representations which have been made .
28 They 're being pumped around the body even faster so therefore that 's going to take hold of the person faster , so you keep them at rest , into recovery position if possible and get help , do n't forget to er collect any evidence of what the poison is , it must go with the casualty .
29 He was very , very kind ; he said of course I must go with the orchestra .
30 Thus the Lacanian account of the impossibility of desire often cites the following passage from Freud 's ‘ On the Universal Tendency to Debasement in the Sphere of Love ’ : ‘ It is my belief that , however strange it may sound , we must reckon with the possibility that something in the nature of the sexual instinct itself is unfavourable to the realization of complete satisfaction , ( vii .
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