Example sentences of "must [verb] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Eliot , if one must sample steak in the land of mad cows ) .
2 These choreographic sentences , no matter how short or long , broad or narrow , high or low must make sense within the total pattern or movement traced on the stage .
3 That must make sense in the policy areas to which my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister referred — foreign policy , security and home affairs .
4 Having settled the principle , the partners must make provision for the actual event .
5 The advancing foot of the walker must make contact with the ground before the rear foot leaves the ground .
6 Perhaps the extreme examples are the offenders who must make use of the probation officers ' services .
7 He submitted that the court had no jurisdiction to hear the matter because the terms of section 7(5) of the Bail Act 1976 empower a justice of the peace to remand a person in custody only if the justice is of the opinion that , inter alia , he has broken a condition of his bail ; otherwise , if not of that opinion , the court must grant bail on the same conditions as were originally imposed .
8 I will write again as soon as Ferdinando hears he is to go and when I do you must prepare Oreste for the change Ellen so that it is not sprung on him .
9 This debate must include discussion of the fundamental questions and issues identified in this paper as to the purpose , scope , and content of assessment , and any process of development must also begin by identifying the principles which those systems , procedures , and practices should embody .
10 This must include recognition of the impact of particular events and circumstances , some of which are now described in more detail .
11 Transport and other documents must include declaration of the hazard and name of the material in English .
12 Anybody trying to bring about a major transformation in a science must direct attention to the facts as he sees them : to a herbalist in the tradition of Culpeper it was an important fact that a particular herb was collected under a waxing or a waning moon ; for one of Liebig 's pupils analysing it this was not a relevant fact at all .
13 I mean in the excitement of buying a car you 're not going to read the small print , you 're not going to read the little bit that says you must have the oil changed every three thousand miles and unless you do it within two hundred and fifty miles of that and not only that , you must send evidence of the service by recorded delivery to you .
14 The case of Goff v Gauthier ( 1991 ) 62 P & CR 388 has shown that it must be fair and reasonable for the vendor to rely on this exclusion ( see page 62 ) ; ( e ) to state that the vendor will not be liable to the extent that any claim arises out of or is increased by the acts or omissions of the purchaser after completion ; ( f ) to provide that the purchaser must give credit for the amount by which assets are found to have been understated , or liabilities have been over-provided for in the accounts ; ( g ) to ensure that the purchaser pays to the vendor all amounts subsequently recovered from third parties relating to claims that have been paid by the vendor .
15 the House of Lords must give leave on the basis that the case is one which ought to be heard by the House .
16 Thus the natural meaning of the word ‘ depositor ’ must give way to the extent necessary to enable the underlying purpose of the Act to be achieved .
17 To represent Hertfordshire residents we must give notice to the Government that is surely serious , sli slitshot consultation is no way to supervise the development of these airports .
18 Two of the issues which stand out most clearly from staff responses to the assessment are ( i ) that we must provide training in the health and safety aspects of workstation use , and ( ii ) that we must provide information to staff on the procedures for eyesight testing for those staff who spend long periods in front of display screens .
19 At the end of the week , observers were optimistic , yet some still sounded a cautionary note : ‘ This is the first time for a long while I have seen people saying ‘ I want this drawing or painting ’ without any idea of speculation ’ , says Jan Krugier , ‘ but now we must keep control of the situation .
20 He said " We must keep control of the future of our countryside and of our wildlife in our hands . "
21 The introduction must use material from the main body of the music — sometimes it will quote from the main melody , sometimes begin with the accompaniment figure itself , or the two may be combined .
22 As feminists we must demand control over the planning process , in order to overcome the isolation of domestic activity and individualised childcare , and to achieve better conditions in the home .
23 It is because I share it that I must draw attention to the scandalous mismanagement of the housing stock in Liverpool .
24 The executive managers must develop awareness of the need to educate the people and groups involved in or affected by the change .
25 Pension funds must gain approval from the Superannuation Funds Office ( SFO ) — part of the Inland Revenue — to gain the tax advantages relevant to pension funds ( although this does not relate to protection for pension scheme members ) .
26 In order to understand a word , the reader or hearer must gain access to the semantic information contained in the word 's lexical entry .
27 We must encourage investment in the environment and in environmental schemes , as well as investment in research and development , which is currently far too low in the United Kingdom .
28 Again , however , many things can then happen to it ; if it is to produce TL , the electron must recombine with another type of defect , and the recombination process must produce energy in the form of light .
29 That it is wrong , we may learn from the sights all around us : drunken men lying on the ground , cursing and making oaths ; young women lost to the bondage of early motherhood , always pushing children about in small carts , and making oaths ; reckless gamblers who by their own improvidence must sell double-glazing for the prudent man 's windows .
30 This is where you must enter information regarding the particular printer and knitting machine that you have .
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