Example sentences of "put [pn reflx] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You put yourself in the right mental state and adopt the persona that 's needed . ’
2 IMAGINE the reaction if , say , Ladbroke came to its shareholders and said : ‘ The Government have decreed that we will have to rebid for our betting licence in 1992 , and to put ourselves in a better position to win it we are taking on borrowings equal to our equity and giving our managers around 15 per cent of the company . ’
3 We need to put ourselves in the other person 's shoes . ’
4 The other is that he heard me following , and staged the attack on himself , with the help of some accomplice unknown — for it could n't have been done alone , could it ? — to put himself in the clear , and immobilise me long enough for the other person to get away , and the body to be well downstream .
5 Encourage her to put herself in the other person 's shoes with explanations and reasons along the lines of : ‘ How would you feel if … ? ’
6 Empathy is the ability to put yourself in the other person 's shoes and see the situation from their point of view .
7 It was difficult for me to put myself in the Guérigny frame of mind , to accommodate both the knowledge of a beloved 's death and the sense of her imminent return .
8 And if one had to put oneself in a vulnerable situation , like rugging or grooming him , the handler had to carry a cane .
9 To be a recipient is normally to put oneself in a subordinate position .
10 Yeah the firework systems supposed to be the centre of the Red Vase designs , we 're putting ourselves in a considerable disadvantage in not visiting and influencing these Red Vase Designs .
11 Er to work on the key issues which are common to all options for the future , er such that th we can put ourselves in the best position to secure future business success .
12 Gerald Seymour-Strachey put himself in a self-conscious pose of memory , as if rehearsing for a television down-memory-lane programme .
13 If he boldly avowed his real purpose thus publicly , he put himself in the wrong , and his cause past any help from the law , which would tamper here in the march only on unassailable grounds .
14 Nigel has put himself in the right place , and there 's no doubt about that . ’
15 It had been a silly , spur-of-the-moment impulse to deny it , but by lying to him she 'd put herself in an invidious position .
16 But I accepted what G.K. Chesterton had put so well in 1911 : ‘ A woman putting up her fists at a man is a woman putting herself in the one position which does not frighten him . ’
17 Where Macbeth had been concealed or opaque to Duncan , and was thus in a superior position , manipulating him by pretence , we now see Lady Macbeth putting herself in the dominant position , planning to manipulate her husband : Macbeth is now transparent to her , and she to us .
18 Having put themselves in an extraordinary environment , which nevertheless feels so homely and ordinary , the members occasionally come into contact with wider , more powerful and less homely influences .
19 They are aware of the danger of putting themselves in the same opposition boat as the Party of Democratic Socialism , formerly the communist party , which has its doubts about unity .
20 There was no yardage chart in those days , but I worked out very quickly that Arnold was two clubs stronger than me , so I just put myself in the same situation and added on two clubs .
21 If you can put yourself in the other person 's shoes and think about how they might feel , it will certainly help if you let them know that .
22 Assuming that you have determined that the line is biased to starboard , and you therefore want to start near the starboard end of the line , there are still a number of considerations which you must take into account before you can put yourself in the right place as the gun is fired .
23 I mean if if a woman undresses okay let's take a scenario okay Simon maybe er you know you could put yourself in the same situation
24 I 'd unnecessarily put myself in a stressful situation .
25 Apply the principles : check it out ahead of time and put yourself in the other person 's place .
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