Example sentences of "put [pn reflx] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For every Western aid worker , there are at least five Somali aid workers who , like Hawa the nurse , put themselves at greater risk , work longer hours for little or no money , and provide a body of local people who may be able to continue their work in health care or administration after the fighting is over .
2 I could n't get rid of my disability , became more staunch in my socialist politics , got rid of my accent and was thankful when my parents put themselves into enormous debt and bought a tip of a house in Croydon .
3 You put yourself into cold storage for two years as far as any kind of political practice goes and just sit and think — and do n't forget you 'll get paid £5000 a year to sit and think about the purity of the struggle we 're all fighting back here . ’
4 Put yourself under close arrest , major .
5 If you put yourself in each prisoner 's place , assuming both to be motivated by rational self-interest and remembering that they can not talk to one another to make a pact , you will see that neither has any choice but to betray the other , thereby condemning both to heavy sentences .
6 Presumably when you do land in a position like that even though as you say you 're getting near the end of the game for the blue ball , you would n't deliberately not go through the hoop , if you 'll put in that , if you put yourself in that position ?
7 In developing an image , you and your workers , professional or voluntary , have to swallow your pride , smile at yourselves and put yourselves in second place to getting the message across — not easy , not often said , but true !
8 It is important that we continue to put ourselves into all sorts of learning situations so that we recognise what we need to do or stop doing with our pupils .
9 For really I think that the poorest he that is in England hath a life to live , as the greatest he ; and therefore truly , sir , I think it 's clear , that every man that is to live under a government ought first by his own consent to put himself under that government ; and I do think that the poorest man in England is not at all bound in a strict sense to that government that he hath not had a voice to put himself under ; … ( p. 53 )
10 She would need to be a masochist to put herself through this kind of torment , seeing him every day , working with him , knowing it could never lead anywhere .
11 in the erm well silly to put yourself in that predicament would n't it ?
12 I vowed never to put myself in that position again , ’ she says .
13 ‘ I try to put myself in other people 's shoes .
14 ‘ The players have to be prepared to put themselves into dangerous positions , to go in for a hard tackle , be brave and take the blows .
15 Every effort should be made to discover whether the family have the ability to put themselves in hypothetical situations and conceptualise and deal with the difficulties that are likely to arise with the black child , particularly during adolescence .
16 Their personal safety was guaranteed by an old-fashioned exchange of hostages : senior Iraqis travelled to Arbil to put themselves in Kurdish hands — taking a risk , given Mr Hussein 's record in disposing of unwanted colleagues .
17 We 're not putting ourselves in that position — all we 're doing is selling music . ’
18 Believing that an artist has to suffer to make his statement , he puts himself through dangerous sequences like cutting off his breathing .
19 By drawing a rectangle round ‘ it 's a chronicle ’ Dostoevsky suggests a framed narrative for The Possessed like the story found by the frame narrator among a deceased ex-convict 's effects in The House of the Dead ; and by declaring ‘ I am a character ’ ( kharakter : a person , not a literary personazh ) he puts himself inside that frame .
20 He puts himself in good light by adding that he gripped me tightly round the shoulders in reassurance , that he gave me brandy , that we talked long after the starlings had ceased their chatter , that we walked down into the street and discussed in jogging stride what guilt or shame or desire could do to the human soul .
21 Walking , cycling and swimming are healthy exercise which can help keep the patient 's blood pressure down , if he does them sensibly , without putting himself under undue pressure .
22 Yet I recall an episode many years ago in which a man deliberately put himself in this predicament .
23 For confirmation I visited him in prison , where in protest against his incarceration he had put himself in solitary confinement , and found him to be sandy-haired , bullet-headed and verbose , yet with a redeeming sense of humour ; his passionate denials of having played any part in the Ayr murder were too convincing to have been invented .
24 Subsequently , on Feb. 17 , it was reported that a long-range airforce division with nuclear capacity had put itself under Ukrainian jurisdiction , and that its commander , who had been dismissed by the long-range Air Force Commander , Col.-Gen .
25 When injured it becomes a less efficient hunting machine and puts itself in considerable danger .
26 All the time he slept she lay there longing acutely for him to go , and when he did she felt the most immense relief and vowed that now she had escaped his presence she would never never put herself in that position again .
27 She found two seats free not far from the Lorrimores and , putting herself on one chair and her handbag on the other , said with bonhomie to the elderly couple already occupying the table , ‘ I 'm Daffodil Quentin .
28 People have wanted to prove they are not scared of AIDS work and have put themselves under enormous pressure to provide what may well be an impossible service .
29 People may put themselves into residential care if they wish they will pay the whole of the bill .
30 or anything , I really do n't think anyone should put themselves in that position .
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