Example sentences of "more [conj] [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They should devote themselves wholly to the problem of making life in South Africa , regarded as more or less a foreign country , bearable for self-respecting British men and women .
2 In 1986 , Christopher Lewinton was appointed as chief executive with more or less a free hand to do whatever he felt necessary .
3 Although Joe does n't use much sweep picking , la Frank Gambale , or rapid-fire althernate picking , la Yngwie , he covers more or less every other technique in the book !
4 The status of the foreign minister as merely a high-ranking bureaucrat meant that the diplomats whom he directed , and in particular the heads of the more important Russian missions abroad , often looked on him as more or less an equal and hardly as a superior at all .
5 Shipman 's two-volume Story of the Cinema ( Hodder and Stoughton ) is also a very good read — the first volume goes up to Gone With The Wind and the second starts with Citizen Kane and reaches more or less the present day .
6 And the ‘ they ’ of more or less the whole town will have heard too .
7 well this people I mean with , with , that I mean that really is more or less the same amount as the other companies have said for er more or less the whole lot , so why the wardrobes are so cheap and yet the , the bed surrounding is so expensive , we do n't know
8 There , the iso-reflectance lines follow more or less the stratigraphic contours ( cf.
9 Last year , 45 per cent of recorded crime was cleared up — more than double the average rate in the United Kingdom .
10 Wheat prices at 13s. 4d. a quarter were more than double the normal ( though not as disastrously high as in the notorious famine years of 1315–17 ) , barley at 6s. -7s. was up by over 50 per cent and peas and beans at 6s. had tripled in cost ( 209 , pp.266–73 .
11 By 2031 the average number of homes passed on each year , excluding bequests to spouses , could be 343,000 — more than double the current average ( see chart ) .
12 It was identified as a six gilled shark weighing 315lbs — more than double the current Irish record of 154lbs landed by Essex angler Andrew Bull in 1968 .
13 Cargo forecasts suggest that a growth rate of 11.4 percent for Europe-Far East trade over the next 20 years will be more than double the expected increase across the North Atlantic .
14 Of the 383 state production plans , 148 had been unable to meet their target — more than double the previous figure of 65 .
15 If you are pregnant , or breastfeeding , for example , you will need more than double the recommended daily amount of calcium .
16 For real benefit , allow your exercise to help you on more than simply a physical level .
17 The word ‘ habitat ’ implies more than simply the physical environment of an animal .
18 In the face of such mystery , God was much more than just a protective wing to creep under .
19 An augmented product is more than just a tangible product or service .
20 An augmented product is more than just a tangible product or service .
21 It symbolised something more than just a pleasant snack .
22 For to say that Jesus was a ‘ rightful king ’ means far more than it might simply in today 's world — far more than just a legitimate inherited position as head , symbolic or otherwise , of a secular state .
23 ALYSON WILLIAMS ‘ Alyson Williams ’ second from the fierce US soulwoman , with which she plans to prove that she is ‘ more than just a loud broad in a loud hat ! ’
25 He 'll undergo surgery tomorrow morning and if it is more than just a simple fracture , it could mean an early end to his cricketing career .
26 Experience at the Birmingham Money Advice Centre ( see Appendix III ) shows that — at least for the generally poor people who go to the Centre with money problems — mail order , check traders and other weekly callers such as tallymen are woven so closely into the fabric of daily ( or rather weekly ) life as to be more than just a possible buying choice .
27 Continuity between the two fabliaux in the case of animal imagery is a matter of more than just a general resemblance .
28 I have a feeling that most women want more than just a casual affair .
29 WITH the sun at the heart of your horoscope until the 21st and Venus bringing her sweetness to bear on relationships from the 8th , December could be the most crucial month of the year for love and partnership matters — the 19th could be more than just a magical moment .
30 Religion therefore is more than just a personal affair and its influence in society is more than the sum of its influences on individuals .
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