Example sentences of "still [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It still lay there on the keys , the fingers extended to form the shape .
2 He had hoped to find him attempting to dress but he was still propped up under the shower , hands against the wall .
3 Male homosexuality is increasingly regarded as a variation of sexual behaviour rather than a perversion , and although the homosexual male is still treated badly by the law , in comparison to the heterosexual , he no longer feels the urgent need for anonymity and secrecy .
4 It 's a weird feeling to have only a layer of ice between you and the sea ; weirder still to drive out across the Baltic in a Volkswagen .
5 ‘ It was full of slops , ’ answered Nellie , still gazing out of the window .
6 The validity of a patent still turns mainly upon the question whether it complies with this enactment .
7 Now in his sixties , he still rode out with the Black and Tans , as wild and fearless as ever .
8 Moma Parsheen still floated blindly near the plascrystal port .
9 The educational background of the party thus suggests a single integrated elite still drawing heavily on the most exclusive sources .
10 That thinking was still cast in the mould of a hundred years before ; the methods of conducting war at sea were still those of blockade , commerce-destroying and protection , and still depended ultimately on the ability to win a pitched gun-battle with the enemy fleet .
11 Back in New York , John Wilcock was still writing his column , still hanging out with the Realist 's Paul Krassner , and had moved from New York Times travel writing to travel books , indeed an opus on Mexico had begun to open — or dilate — his eyes to drugs .
12 The fight to save wildlife still goes on in the Shetlands .
13 He must have taken the bucket outside but when he returned Robyn was still struggling furiously with the unfamiliar catch .
14 Michael Lynagh is still rattling along towards the four-figure mark but not at the same rate .
15 It appeared round the corner with loud threats of speed , but the colt that it startled from among the gorse , which still flickered indistinctly in the raw afternoon , outdistanced it at a canter ( 2 ) .
16 Scathach slung the clothing he had looted across one of the horses which still paced nervously in the enclosure .
17 Cut the loaf into about 12 slices , making sure that it still holds together at the base .
18 We can assure the world that the spirit of wartime Liverpool still lives on in the young taxi drivers , news vendors , waiters , waitresses and the police .
19 ‘ Let's have something to eat , William , then afterwards I 'll go and see Lewis , I expect he still lives down near the docks . ’
20 My father still lives there in the house where I grew up . ’
21 The firecrackers were still exploding intermittently in the courtyard and occasional salvos of cannon fire boomed out from beyond the walls of the Imperial City .
22 Fylde Flyer , on whom Piggott was deputising for Jack Berry 's injured stable-jockey John Carroll , was still lifted home with the old familiar magical rhythm and skill .
23 But you see what we 've got here is this problem of the old definition of quality , still lurking there in the mind , quality is a degree of excellence , therefore you have high quality and low quality .
24 Despite everything , a lot of burglaries are still carried out via the front door .
25 For long periods in the past , however , towns and cities did not exist , and yet many , if not most , of the functions which major urban centres fulfil today were still carried out in the landscape .
26 Even now if I look at a video the hair still stands up on the back of the neck , and you get that tingle on the spine .
27 That day still stands out as the greatest day in my football life . ’
28 I rushed her over to see him as soon as I could but he was still drugged up after the operation . ’
29 In such a case , as Lord Haldane said in North Western Salt Co Ltd v Electrolytic Alkali Co Ltd [ 1914 ] AC 461 , the law " still looks carefully to the interests of the public , but it regards the parties as the best judges of what is reasonable as between themselves " .
30 Nemesis had still come down like the wolf on the fold .
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