Example sentences of "tell [pers pn] that the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , he submitted that even if the trial judge had misdirected the jury when he told them that the case against the first appellant depended solely upon what it was proved that he himself had done , that misdirection was to the advantage of the first appellant .
2 When he told them that the Government could have used more oil at the power stations this summer and so built up coal stocks for the winter against a possible strike , but had n't , they merely retorted , ‘ More fool you ’ and thanked him for letting them know how strong their position was .
3 When the Shah and Empress received Marenches , he told them that the ayatollah had sent kidnappers to seize Hassans family and bargain them for the Shah .
4 I told them that the Sandinista soldiers were also Catholics ; were also fighting for their country ; were also longing for peace .
5 At the very outset of his charge to the jury , the trial judge told them that the questions for them were : ‘ Firstly , have the Crown proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the first accused assaulted and murdered the deceased … ? ’
6 Mr Boyd told them that the name ‘ Buller ’ derived from the French bouloir , reduced by local folk to ‘ the Pot ’ , in which cauldron Dr Johnson now gambolled with a certain heartiness , speculating upon the depth of the caves , and their uses for smugglers and pirates , or shelters for boatmen : Mr Boyd also told them of people from Peterhead holding picnics in one of the caverns .
7 ‘ We do know that someone in Bucharest told them that the monastery at Putna was an absolute must .
8 Anne and Heywood Hill , of the bookshop in Curzon Street , lived at number 10 Warwick Avenue and told them that the lease next door was for sale .
9 Austen Chamberlain stiffly told them that the meeting was unprecedented and irregular , but it was left to Birkenhead to denounce them all for impertinence , stupidity and disloyalty .
10 He later reiterated the warning and told them that the police would have to see that the prohibition order was enforced .
11 I told them that the rain comes in and everything !
12 The card was written by the Reverend Donald McQueen and told them that the Laird of Raasay had sent his own boat for them ; the reverend gentleman himself arrived shortly afterwards ; ‘ an elderly man , ’ says Boswell , ‘ with his own black hair , courteous and rather slow of speech , but candid , sensible and well-informed . ’
13 Rioja told them that the victims had been caught in acts of sodomy and been condemned by the camp council .
14 You told me that the porn tape you use is a hangover from the old Inspiral Carpets .
15 Because of disquiet among ordinary members there , George Devlin , Vice-Chairman of the company , says that they wish to retain the atmosphere of a private members ' club , while delightful Chairman Michael Broke , told me that the plan is to raise standards even higher .
16 A man with a clipboard told me that the cutting of the tenons is a dangerous practice .
17 At the barrier at Gatwick , I was met by a friendly policeman who told me that the injuries were not as bad as had at first been thought , and that none of my family was in danger — news which immediately reduced me to tears .
18 And he himself told me that the Lord Willington Nursing Home is the most professional of the local nursing homes .
19 I planned an overnight stay at the Drumrunie Hotel , marked on the map and ten miles along the road , but when I tried to telephone to book a room , the operator told me that the hotel had recently been burnt down .
20 He told me that the oxygen mask had pulled away from my face some , and that I was probably just blacking out .
21 The retired milkman , from whom I had borrowed the can , told me that the dent was the result of an accident with a bicycle .
22 When I was in performance of my duties , he distinctly told me that the Prince would be poisoned .
23 I met the key officials from the Department of the Environment earlier this week and who told me that the Government is preparing to circulate a consultation paper on the National Sustainability Plan in mid June .
24 Mrs Harker , an old resident of the village and a member of the feast committee , told me that the tradition of burning Bartle has been handed down orally from one generation to the next .
25 They told me that the girl 's father had been as coy as any nineteenth-century English maiden .
26 ‘ The response was again very good and a lively question and answer session told me that the students found the talk helpful , ’ he said .
27 The A-Z told me that the gardens off the alley belonged to the houses on Lee Metford Road and there seemed no good reason why Nevil had not just driven straight there .
28 It was the first time that score had been played in Cape Town , and John Wright told me that the players in rehearsal threw down their instruments in despair .
29 The exact way in which they had failed to comply with the regulations is unclear ; a representative of the Education Authority told me that the school has re-opened on a ‘ technicality ’ , because the School Council had not been consulted before the closure ; people in Village told me that the Education Authority had not consulted anyone in the community before-hand , a bigger breach of the regulations .
30 A look at the sea below me told me that the tide was still low , though presumably it had begun to turn .
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