Example sentences of "back up the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I looked back up the wall in wonder and doubt .
2 Little Billy and Don Mini climbed back up the tree to where all the other Minpins were gathered .
3 Philip set off back up the field towards the road .
4 Once she was safely winched back up the slipway into the lifeboat shed , I spoke to some of the crew .
5 We sit there for some time but I keep glancing up , and gradually become terrified that the man is somehow not dead or has become a zombie and is climbing back up the shaft towards us , to push the grating up and put his already rotting hands down and grab us both by the hair .
6 Later in the dusk I entertain a perplexed perfecto as I walk back up the hill to the castle , to Schloss Hartheim .
7 A few moments later they passed Gilberto walking back up the hill to the place where he had left his own car , just below the massive wall of the columbarium in the cemetery where Ruggiero Miletti had been interred two hours previously .
8 The miners scrambled back up the hill of the slanting deck and the ship steadied .
9 With one glance from the weeping girl to fitzAlan , Simon turned and strode back up the hill towards the castle .
10 John could tell that it was being driven back up the hill towards Putna .
11 Then , ‘ Mind , ’ Bella said as Marie , sweating and out of breath , struggled to shove the wheelchair back up the hill from the prom , ‘ mind , these chips are swimming in vinegar .
12 I 'd clawed my way back up the mountain of rubble like a demented animal , and returned to the turret on automatic pilot .
13 In this way , liability is passed back up the chain of distribution to the manufacturer .
14 He walked back up the side of the 14th to meet the match of Caballeros and Bugner .
15 Afterwards we climbed back up the path towards the summit .
16 His hands dropped from her shoulders , and he did not speak , merely took her hand and pulled her after him , striding back up the path at a rapid pace so that she was hard pressed to keep up .
17 I broke from them , and ran back up the slope to my mother 's house .
18 The Dragoons closest to the Prussians immediately turned and galloped back up the slope towards their comrades .
19 Ben looked back up the slope towards the cottage .
20 She turned , her throat constricted now , her heart pounding in her breast , and began to run back up the slope towards the cottage .
21 She turned and looked back up the slope towards the cottage .
22 Charlotte turned away and started back up the slope towards the road .
23 He had lifted her into his arms before she could protest , although in truth she hardly felt in any condition to trek back up the incline towards the barn .
24 He resisted the temptation to turn around and look back up the street to where he knew the turn for Montgomery Street lay .
25 As Henry got through the front gate , number 60 went back up the street towards his wife and number 47 dropped , suddenly and dramatically , on to his knees in front of the red Mitsubishi .
26 Now is this a suggestion the thin end of the wedge , that we now start taking away the authority of our service committees to decide what they want to do , and have to pass it back up the line for decisions to be made , because quite frankly , I do n't want to come down here five days a week , ten hours a day for full council meetings .
27 He jumped back up the bank among the staring rabbits .
28 It was dusk when Pete finally made it back up the track to the old wooden cottage .
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