Example sentences of "back and [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 If the victim is not edible the reptile quickly slithers away into hiding , but if it is a suitable prey it simply sits back and waits for the animal 's agonies to cease .
2 It was far safer to start a town off with a charter , a market and a fair , and a few other practical inducements to settlers , and then to sit back and hope for the best .
3 Once the message was on the wire , he had little else to do except sit back and wait for a few days .
4 Seated in one of Kanazawa Industrial University library 's viewing booths , they just pick the tape they want to see front the list displayed , punch in its number , then sit back and wait for the programme to start .
5 ‘ They find accommodation where they set up a nursery , then sit back and wait for the right opportunity to arise .
6 Let's just sit back and consolidate for a while .
7 He leant back and paused for a moment .
8 CEM Joad came back and rushed for the nearest Vicar .
9 As a practical measure , keep a full record of all jobs that you apply for and the responses that you receive to show that you have not simply sat back and waited for the money to roll in .
10 So , with flight planning filed , mostly mentally , I sat back and waited for the weather to give me a perfect day .
11 The DDA sat back and waited for the Exec Director to continue .
12 With Lithuania not given a snowball 's chance , Lansdowne Road sat back and waited for the avalanche … and waited … and waited .
13 ‘ We have sent it back and asked for a translation . ’
14 Then he came back and asked for a cup of tea .
15 I sat back and relaxed for a moment .
16 His constitution was now in place , his political position at home was very strong , but he was almost seventy years of age and could hardly afford to sit back and wait for a long-term transformation to solve Algeria 's problems .
17 ‘ Just let their targets sit back and wait for the bullet , eh ? ’
18 ‘ The fact is you do n't sit back and wait for the UFF or IRA to hit their victims — you go after them .
19 ‘ We take the view it is better to get a partly complete story with a whisper of opportunity and get it to one or two key companies quickly so they can get out there , rather than sitting back and waiting for a nicely tailored account of what is going on which , by the time we get it to them , will be history rather than opportunity , ’ he explains .
20 It 's then a matter of sitting back and waiting for the calls !
21 I said , and I pushed the instrument back and paid for the rest .
22 This forced the defender to chase back and dive for the ball in the mud .
23 She rises , moves the improvised drying rack of Riva 's clothing to one side , feeds more coal to the fire , settles back and looks for the words in the flames .
24 Thanks to just three votes , Mr Major could sit back and relax for a few moments .
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