Example sentences of "back at him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Stewart and Olazabal came back at him over the back nine but , unlike in the Lancome Trophy when Eduardo Romero chipped in to deny him his second tour victory this year , this time the West German was not to be disappointed .
2 Gabriel 's voice came back at him off the sides of the barrel .
3 Hitler had talked of an offer ‘ in the name of reason ’ , and Halifax threw it back at him as a ‘ summons to capitulate to his will ’ .
4 She let go of the cabinet , coughing in the dust of ages that appeared to be lurking behind it , and smiled back at him as the February sun shone through the small window behind her , throwing into sharp relief the patches on the wall where her predecessor had hung posters , and the ingrained dirt on the flaking paintwork round the mean , narrow , metal window .
5 It was as if she were suddenly bewitched , her words spat back at him through a mask of hatred .
6 They were halfway through their second round of drinks when he finished ; she leaned away so that — sitting beside him — she could peer back at him through the dimness .
7 Talk of this sort was mostly to raise morale , as McFarlane was at pains to say when his ‘ Secretary of State ’ remark was thrown back at him at the hearings .
8 The head man could get bitten , the tail man could get doused with noisome excreta — and if they both missed their grasp , then the middle man got both bad ends of the snake coming back at him at the same time .
9 " Merci beaucoup , monsieur , " she murmured , smiling back at him for a fraction longer than necessary .
10 Joseph grinned ruefully back at him for a moment , then sensing the senator was warming to a familiar theme , he picked up a history of French Indochina that lay open on the table before him and sank down in his chair behind it .
11 She seemed to be staring back at him with a smile that was almost a grimace of pain yet somehow full of mockery .
12 ‘ The Clay , ’ the boy answered him , staring back at him with a strange intensity .
13 She threw his words back at him with a different emphasis .
14 Now that quote is flung back at him with every interview he gives .
15 Just looked steadily back at him with the faintest trace of a smile .
16 The girl 's serious little face was delicate , rounded , promising that she would soon flower into at least as striking a beauty as her mother ; in an attempt to make her smile Joseph winked theatrically at her , but this made her draw closer to her mother and she continued to gaze gravely back at him with the curious , unselfconscious eyes of childhood .
17 They looked back at him with the bright eyes of rats in old people 's faces and when he asked them a question .
18 ‘ Oh , one of the defenders put on clerical robes and jeered back at him from the top of the curtain wall . ’
19 Monteith 's deep voice came back at him from the hand set , ‘ Quiet as the grave , three seven . ’
20 Again and again , Dorian Gray went secretly to the room and looked first at the ugly and terrible face in the picture , then at the beautiful young face that laughed back at him from the mirror .
21 He would flow unchallenged through his role of the Gypsy Baron , his ego fed on the ripples of admiration seeping back at him from the auditorium .
22 When I turned to look back at him after a short canter , he was winded and scared with barely enough strength to stay on his horse .
23 She jerked her arm away , rubbing the bruised flesh , her eyes spitting back at him like a cornered animal .
24 For a moment , he thought that his wildest dreams were about to come true : she was staring back at him in a deep , soulful way that he was sure meant love .
25 Curtis then came back at him in the following set , to take a 4–2 lead , but the Nottingham player was swift to respond with a counter-attack , taking the next two games to square the set .
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