Example sentences of "back [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Andy gives a small smile , takes the empty glass from her and heads back through the crowds to the kitchen .
2 They shared a bottle of Barolo , then made their way back through the Lanes to the Conference Hall and stood on the sea-front opposite the entrance , watching the arrival of the Great and the Good .
3 The supply chain project seeks to achieve this by focusing on future customer needs and driving them back through the activities of the business to make Guinness Brewing GB operate as effectively as possible for the company and its customers .
4 Turn back through the pages of ancient history books on Venice and as far back as the year 1740 you will find tell of a friendly hostelry providing a refuge to weary travellers on this hotel 's site .
5 And gives movement to the arms of the scissors and so back through the sieves to the chariot and the moulds .
6 Hari was angry as she walked back through the streets towards her home , Emily Grenfell was nothing but a snob , she thought everyone beneath her .
7 I locked the Transit — you can take peace , harmony and sisterly love just so far — and threaded my way back through the tents to the fire Melanie had lit near the clapped-out bus without wheels .
8 Walking through the ancient forest of Wychwood , EV Thompson steps back through the mists of time .
9 Now you can visit the Jorvik Viking Centre , step aboard a time car and be whisked back through the centuries on a journey to real-life Viking Britain .
10 Then the train went into reverse , motors growling , occupants groaning , and trundled slowly back through the squalls of rain , passing Maryhill and looping down through Anniesland and over Great Western Road .
11 An old track lead back through the woodlands to the forest road and your starting point at the car park .
12 The gipsies looked so threatening that she thought they were going to attack Angela 's father , but Farmer Yatton stood his ground , and presently the gipsies , grumbling loudly , began to move their horses , which they had unharnessed , back between the shafts of the caravans .
13 But its annual surpluses ( $56 billion in fiscal 1989 ) are added back for the purposes of the Gramm-Rudman deficit-cutting law .
14 We can dust off the Rambo movies , and Mikhail Gorbachev can sit back amid the ruins of the Soviet empire and watch how a superpower really behaves .
15 He did not take it too seriously , but nonetheless he wheeled his pony and made off at speed , back towards the fringes of Clocaenog , where he had passed the last of the prince 's watch .
16 ‘ SLA soldiers fired back towards the sources of fire and towards terrorist concentrations .
17 When he saw Robert , he made what looked like a little , stunted bow and moved back towards the boys on the lawn .
18 Slowly she walked back towards the gates of the Hall .
19 As they set off she realized they were n't driving back towards the restaurants of the town centre and Willi 's beloved Franz Joseph hotel , but up to the mountain road that led over the pass and into the next valley .
20 She remembered how she had n't been allowed to hold him for more than a moment before he had to go back behind the bars of his crib .
21 The slide of bodies bathed in perspiration ceased as Luke shuddered and stilled momentarily before moving to kneel over her , surveying her with glittering eyes , his shadow cast over her , and Maria fell back against the pillows with a hoarse sob , wordlessly pleading with him to end the torment , aching for him , needing to feel him inside her , hating him for prolonging her agony like this and resenting the control that enabled him to do it .
22 Serafine tips Miranda back against the pillows in the position of sleep , and gently pulls the thumb out of her mouth , shaking her head and smiling , ‘ No ’ , then turns to Xanthe , smooths her hair , for she is already drifting , eyes half-closed .
23 Then he swallowed and leaned back against the cushions of the sofa , stretching his long , white-clad legs out in front of him .
24 " Not bad — not bad at all , " replied Joseph hurriedly and he tried to lean back against the cushions in the same careless fashion as his brother while the two rickshaws rolled on together side by side through the light traffic .
25 Both Tesco and NFC are back above the levels at which Questor sold them .
26 Although Nato and Warsaw Pact forces would be cut back under the terms of the Conventional Force Agreement now under negotiation in Vienna , each alliance would retain a military presence in its part of the German confederation .
27 This led to a great setback for the Company ; by the early 1680s it seemed to have established itself , and paid its first dividends , at about 50 per cent a year , but it was then caught up in England 's wars against France , the bases were captured , and no regular dividends could be paid until after it had got its property back under the terms of the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 .
28 Then he walked heavily on for a pace or two until his tracks merged with the cart-way , then he turned back along the ruts to the stream and did the same thing again , more lightly this time .
29 Then Rachel would flit back along the alleyways to Richmond Palace . ’
30 Before leaving the village I consulted a chart outside the coastguard station , which confirmed that I had five hours before high tide ; this would give me time to get to the end of Worm 's Head and safely back onto the cliffs without danger of being stranded .
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