Example sentences of "back [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Make sure you lean back through a curved spine and rock off the heel of your hands for added support .
2 It was not her harmonica , it was higher pitched , a peeping sound like a poor recording played back through a tiny speaker .
3 I was on my way down at three o'clock in the strange light of an ominous red dawn , back through a sleeping Fort William and on board for breakfast , weary but elated with my stolen night on the roof of Britain .
4 Searching back through the long history of feline deterrents , there appear to have been only three smelly substances that have achieved a measure of success .
5 There is a choice , but if you need a clue look back through the five editions of Environmental Issues !
6 by no means all rhyolite lavas are associated with obsidian — the majority are not — and , as one goes further back through the geological record , obsidian becomes progressively more and more scarce , due to devitrification , and none at all is found in rocks more than a few million years old .
7 Small though he was , he carried her over his shoulder , passing back through the frozen forest to the snow field beyond .
8 She looked back through the many pages she had written , and saw the great names glitter there — Proclus , Plotinus , Iamblichus , Ficino , Pico , Agrippa .
9 Deborah turned away from the signpost and began wading back through the deep undergrowth to the main path , intending to break into a run when she reached it ; but just as she turned off she heard a faint , distant , reedy cry , which stopped her in her tracks .
10 Now it is quite possible that these players could all bounce back through the mini tour , or through invitations gained in 1991 , but it does indicate what an unpredictable game golf is .
11 Willie longed to touch it but it was put under the counter and he quickly followed Tom back through the dark tunnel of materials and out into the daylight .
12 As they walked back through the haunted lanes of the Salamanca gardens , Cleo voiced her thoughts to Lorimer .
13 He turned and dashed back through the nearest gap in the hedge .
14 They shuffle out to a soft rhythmic crunching underfoot , reminiscent of how the boots of Napoleon 's legions must have sounded trudging back through the Russian snows .
15 Angry at his ineffectiveness and at the way Rohmer had made him a bystander in this nightmare , Cardiff followed them back through the savage whirlwinds towards the office block .
16 We mounted and rode back through the lazy summer sunshine , the Scottish troopers massing behind whilst Vauban pushed forward between us .
17 I think we 've got to be serious about it in terms of targeting given individuals , tracking back their history , go back through the bloody files , if there 's been anybody been treated .
18 The family historian 's initial task of tracing his ancestors back through the nineteenth century is relatively straightforward , thanks to the information provided by civil registration certificates and census returns and by standardized Church of England registers .
19 The letter I saw which alerted er , users and their carers about these items on the agenda , seem to be an indication for them to , to express their opinions back through the Social Services Department , now if that 's consultation , then the process has started .
20 ‘ And she likes the house to stay just the same , ’ she remarked to Fru Gertlinger , as she swept back through the green-baize door for yet more toast , ‘ so she 's not going to object to the blue room being returned to its former colours .
21 I walked sadly back through the connecting passage to Number 11 , and waited almost stunned with the news .
22 He made no rejoinder but retreated back through the communicating door ; and she went on serving the customer .
23 If any party on the management committee does n't like the split it will five member it back through the whole structure to this county council and we shall have proceeded no further .
24 And do n't forget I want you to demonstrate listening back through the open question through the questions .
25 The slow dance was quickening , swirling them back and back through the darkening woods and stabbing gorse of memory to the sheep trying to escape the cold night and , beyond that , to the ways in which each of them , Forest girl and Forest boy , had first joined body with another .
26 If the letter then comes back through the dead letter office , the plaintiff 's solicitor should make his own application to set aside any interlocutory judgment he has signed .
27 The stranger was led back through the empty trains to the car shed pits where he could gain access to the street .
28 Looking back through the old progs I do n't see much sign of Forrester at all !
29 Both looked well pleased after hours of hard drinking and glowered at their sober master 's harsh strictures to leave their ale and go back through the pouring rain to King 's Steps and another unpleasant journey along the Thames .
30 ‘ In a Darkfall — they do , ’ replied Rohmer — and now he was striding back through the biting wind towards the office block .
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