Example sentences of "down at [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She had her key ready and he looked down at her for a minute .
2 As they stood patiently in a doorway waiting for the column to pass , Catherine turned to say something to McLeish and he looked down at her for a long moment .
3 He just stood looking down at her for a moment , his eyes still pleading , and then abruptly he turned and picked up the tray and carried it into the kitchen for her .
4 He stared down at her for a long moment , his mouth very close to her own .
5 Nathan looked down at her for a moment , then inclined his head , the movement brief and dismissive .
6 He stared down at her for a moment , then walked across to the window and began staring outside instead .
7 He gazed down at her for a long moment , then shook his head in disbelief .
8 He stared down at her for a few seconds , almost as if searching for some clue hidden in her expression .
9 He gazed down at her for a long moment , studying her features as if trying to re-gather his thoughts .
10 And then , almost as if he had received some secret signal , he gave a slight nod of his head , grinning sardonically down at her for a moment before rolling off her body and gathering one of the twins up in his arms .
11 ‘ I am ready , ’ he announced , pulling himself to the edge of the pool and looking down at her with no expression on his face to give her any clue about his attitude .
12 Hari asked softly and Edward looked down at her with a shrewdness that disconcerted her .
13 Hari knocked on the door and after a time it was opened by an elderly lady who stared down at her with a frown .
14 Artemis looked up at her father and found him staring down at her with a deep frown , as if to say , Artemis felt , that she should have known .
15 ‘ I need a swim , ’ he said with a rueful grin , levering himself upright and glancing down at her with a look which sent her senses spinning into chaos again .
16 He glanced down at her with a slight smile .
17 Dane glanced down at her with a frown .
18 Mitch surmised , glancing down at her with a grin .
19 He was looking down at her with a superior , amused smile on his face .
20 Giles looked down at her with a rueful smile .
21 He was holding her hand and staring down at her with an extraordinary expression on his face that she had never seen before .
22 His dark brows rose in astonishment at this attack and then he slid his arms round her and pulled her towards him , looking down at her with the sort of expression a grown-up reserved for a naughty child .
23 She stirred against him , and he mistook it for something like the small movements of a child asleep , and smiled down at her through the slow current of perfume rising from her black , turmoiled hair ; but she was awake and brought her head up , drawing away from him a little , looking at him , so that he had to hide his smile quickly , because it was n't something he had meant her to see .
24 He smiled down at her in a drunken , rather disquieting sort of way .
25 McKitrick 's house lounged on a maple-strewn ridge , sleek and contemporary , with a gable end sporting one huge circular window that stared down at her like an unblinking eye .
26 Then the door behind my head jerked open , the car light came on like a flashbulb , and there was a seven-foot black pimp snarling down at me with a mahogany baseball bat in his fist .
27 ‘ Funny little faces peering down at me through the branches overhead .
28 As I write , he nods down at me from the wall beside my desk ; shining brass-reel in place , cast and flies still ready for action , waiting for the last trumpet to sound .
29 A large framed photograph of Joe Louis in fighting stance looked menacingly down at him from a supporting beam as he walked through the saloon bar doorway .
30 ‘ And do n't dare tell me it 's going to be too tough for a woman , ’ Mariana shouted , as she glared down at him from the saloon .
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