Example sentences of "there has be a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In other countries there has been a trend to expand the roles of internal audit to meet the growing public concern that the administration of government be subject to review and control .
2 In the older nation states , after the war , fascist parties disappeared ( although they have begun to re-emerge on a small scale in recent years ) , regional and nationalist parties have been formed within existing states , there has been a succession of new political parties ( and destruction of them by military intervention ) in Latin America , while in some European countries there has been a revival of liberal and ‘ centre ’ parties and the emergence of ‘ green ’ parties .
3 In many geomorphological histories there has been a propensity to ignore the most recent stages or time periods so that the Quaternary was often treated in less detail and the Holocene or last 10,000 years seldom referred to at all .
4 The reaction in there has been a bit bitter really because one feels that British Coal are n't telling everything that that 's happening .
5 Once the stereotypes have been established there has been a tendency towards self-fulfilling prophecy in the behaviour of each side towards the other .
6 Furthermore , we keep hearing about other conferences being planned in Paris and in Hannover , Panofsky 's home town , and then we heard there has been a proposal that the International Congress of the History of Art in Berlin ( 15–20 July ) should have a whole section devoted to Panofsky , ( although there has been some disagreement about this recently ) .
7 ‘ They are looking fresher and bouncier , and I just sense there has been a lot more energy about them the past 10 days .
8 In pursuance of these demands there has been a lot of collective action .
9 He said : ‘ I gather there has been a lot of soul-searching up north over the defeats for Linfield and Bangor — though Linfield now have a lifeline .
10 He said : ‘ I gather there has been a lot of soul-searching up north over the defeats for Linfield and Bangor — though Linfield now have a lifeline .
11 As a result of these various pressures there has been a proliferation of community care schemes in the past few years ; schemes to improve on the services already available , to fill gaps , and to provide a less fragmented service to the elderly mentally frail .
12 Since printers became affordable there has been a fascination amongst the computer-using community for producing banners .
13 Mr Garel-Jones : In the case of the EC treaties and the treaties amending them there has been a practice of annexing protocols to the treaties and of adopting Declarations in connection with conclusion of the treaties .
14 In many liberal democracies there has been a reaction against the old elitism of party bosses and closed caucuses in selecting political leaders , particularly in more liberal or left-orientated parties .
15 A few years ago this was extremely popular , but since the initial boom in feline birth pills there has been a decline in interest in favour of the more drastic method of neutering .
16 During the 1980s population growth has been very uneven ; in the most general terms there has been a decline of population in the less prosperous North and gains in the prosperous South .
17 Alongside the efforts of these ‘ across the curriculum ’ working groups there has been a commitment to review the work of courses , departments , and faculties .
18 In such cases there has been a shift in the pattern of ‘ comparative advantage ’ on an international scale .
19 ‘ We agree there has been a breakdown in communications but hope that from now on we can work together in an open and constructive manner towards our common goal a first class haematology unit run by a first class team of doctors and nurses .
20 It also shows that , since 1974 , before every increase in consumer spending there has been an increase in consumer confidence — that the one always follows the other .
21 Underpinning these changes there has been an acceleration in the trend towards the ‘ professionalisation ’ of journalism , a tendency noted as long ago as 1976 by Graham Cleverly in The Fleet Street Disaster : higher salaries ( at least on the nationals ) , fewer unsociable hours , less bloke-ishness and booze .
22 Traditionally in our secondary schools there has been an overemphasis on content .
23 Since the mid-1970s there has been an attempt to fuse the voluntaristic , militaristic , flamboyant aspects of Guevarism and Castroism with the tactical positions of more orthodox thought .
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