Example sentences of "back against the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She lay back against the heaped pile of pillows and smiled at him .
2 He leaned back against the creaking leather of his seat and said :
3 Sliding into the scented water , she laid her head back against the cool surface of the bath , willing the heat to relax her tired and knotted muscles .
4 Sheila 's head tilted back against the rough bark to receive his first kiss .
5 His scream echoed madly inside the tunnel as he fell was slammed against the brickwork then bounced back against the speeding train , his body pulped by the impact .
6 The wall of the house was behind her and she leant back against the warm brickwork and closed her eyes .
7 It was still hot , though the evening was falling , and she lay back against the warm wall , and closed her eyes .
8 The British people are fighting back against the shoddy treatment with which we have put up for so long .
9 When you have separated your knees as wide as possible , squeeze back against the applied pressure , resisting it with all your might .
10 Force back against the applied pressure
11 He leaned back against the padded settee .
12 Carol sat up , resting her back against the padded headboard .
13 A tube burst and the blow back threw him back against the tender end .
14 But at last she was back in her room , and sinking back against the closed door in a grief that was too deep for tears .
15 For as she pressed back against the front door , trembling and bewildered , she saw what was in substance her own house .
16 ‘ Chung Hom Kok , m'goi , ’ she said tightly to the driver , and leant back against the blue leather seats as they pulled away .
17 Unaware of his presence , she was sitting on the soft springy turf , leaning back against the ancient wall of the summer-house and gazing dreamily across the blue haze of the estuary .
18 Limply she fell back against the unyielding scrubland , sobbing and crying , numb to everything but Fernando 's flutter of consoling kisses across her face and throat .
19 Instinctively she drew back against the damp cellar wall , willing herself to fuse into the crumbling , whitewashed brickwork .
20 I dropped my cords and squatted down , leaning back against the five-star pump and breathing heavily as the pool of steaming piss collected on the bark-rough concrete of the fuel apron .
21 Bernard Down himself believes that the service will help independents to fight back against the direct insurance writers .
22 From time to time Sherif 's woolly old head , loosely wrapped in a dirty headdress , would fall back against the fly-speckled surface of the remaining quarter of a red sign .
23 Treading water , she moved to the side of the pool and , stretching out her arms , leaned back against the smooth tiles .
24 After filling his cracked white china mug for the third time , Yanto lay back against the mossy bank and gloried in his contentment .
25 Isabel stood pressed back against the wooden panels , trying to listen for the sound of breathing over the drumming of her heart .
26 He was sitting in the deckchair Candy had vacated by the time she returned , and for a second she thought he had fallen asleep , his head tilted back against the wooden spar of the chair , his eyes closed , their long black lashes casting shadows on his cheeks .
27 I shrank back against the wooden seatback .
28 She leant her head back against the hard cushion on the swivel chair , not bothering to open her eyes when the door opened again .
29 She lay back against the hard sofa , sipping the drink when David brought it to her and swallowing with difficulty .
30 She gave him a quick amused glance , her head leaning back against the faded red of the alcove seat .
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