Example sentences of "back to the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But he would come back to the right cues , so I could cope . ’
2 It saw itself in a paternalistic role in relation to them , seeking to persuade wrongdoers of the error of their ways and guiding them back to the right paths .
3 They met for the first time at the weekend as their two-week-old girls were swopped and handed back to the right mothers .
4 Morrissey , still the object of scorn for his apparently traiterous move to London , was considering a move back to the plush surrounds of Hale Barns ( home of many a former Manchester City player ) in Cheshire .
5 ’ He thumbed his way back to the private accounts .
6 Greg Grant looks back to the Victorian adventurers who conquered nature to put a communication girdle around the world .
7 At a time when plans for global communications seem to rest on the semantics of international standards , Greg Grant looks back to the Victorian adventurers who conquered nature to put a communication girdle around the world .
8 A popular Greek saying is ‘ Know Thyself ’ , which dates back to the ancient Greeks .
9 It traces the ingredients that have gone into the melting pot to become Sicilian cuisine , right back to the ancient Greeks , Arabs and Normans .
10 While researching the island 's past , Gilli discovered culinary traditions which date back to the Ancient Greeks .
11 The origins of the black cat , as a distinct colour type , have been traced back to the ancient Phoenicians , who sneaked some of the sacred cats out of Egypt and began trading in them around the Mediterranean .
12 If the dieter feels she needs extra guidance or added structure to meal planning , she can always refer back to the suggested meals for good nutrition that we gave at the end of Chapter 4 .
13 They had forgotten to lock up , ever eager to hurry back to the endless rounds of torturing and giggling that are the happy lot of a sadistic underling .
14 and and I mean I I often refer back to the annual reports .
15 Devolution , either from county or district , would mean more local information and reporting back to the relevant authorities by the parish clerk and her assistant .
16 Entering the Portal will transport you back to the five doors where you can visit another country and city .
17 I had gone too far and experienced too much , I needed to slow down , to get back to the small things , the practical things , to measuring and cutting and fixing , and it was with relief that I noticed that daylight had begun to invade the room , I kept quite still , I held the glass firmly in my gaze , gradually the elements already worked on began to emerge , some more clearly than others , some in outline only and some only when they impeded the free flow of light through the glass , until the sun came up and was reflected back from the windows of the house opposite and I could sit and look at the glass and think back through the work and the mistakes and the few successes , and sense again with that sickening feeling in the pit of the stomach that the whole of the right hand side of the lower panel was still a mess , nothing there had been resolved , but then I drew back from that , though it kept trying to pull me back to itself , and concentrated on what was beginning to work , on the left hand areas both top and bottom and on the elegance of the frame and the joy of seeing the bare walls and the wainscoting appear through the empty areas , and as I moved round so different parts of the room appeared and the relation of the surface of the glass to what lay behind changed , precision and fluidity , precision and fluidity , he wrote , choice and chance , not choice alone and chance alone but the two together , that is why delay , not stoppage and not flow but delay , delay in glass , he wrote , as when the plane is late and you should have been gone , have already arrived perhaps , but you are still there , or the sprinter beats the gun and the whole field is called back , the race could have been over but it has not yet started .
18 All he would say was that the paper would be completely new , but would hark back to the great days of the Mirror .
19 A number of test cases on Sunday trading and the possible conflict with the treaty of Rome have already come before the European Court and all have been referred back to the various countries involved .
20 Huy understood why he had been dropped here , from where a large number of roads led off back to the various parts of the city , but guessed that they had underestimated his knowledge of the twisting muddle of streets that formed the harbour quarter .
21 Well if you turn back to the various sectors .
22 It was our unclouded commitment to women , and greater insistence that the fundamentals of sexism should be tackled without compromise , that brought youth service attention back to the young women who for decades had been excluded by boys and men .
23 Mr Cairns , a former Ulster teacher now lecturing in Japan who is home on a study project , said : ‘ They went for a meal to McDonalds and when the girls said they would take a taxi back to the Young Women 's Christian Association the boys told them not to take a black taxi because they were too expensive .
24 Going back to the six months one erm where you 've fifteen thousand
25 ‘ My only impression related back to the Financial Services Act when they were very cooperative and very helpful , ’ he said .
26 At this point the whole argument not only takes us back to the eighteenth-century speculations about poetry versus reason , but begins to tie in with recent neurological discoveries concerning the workings of the two halves of the human brain which have been derived from experimentally induced conditions of aphasia .
27 By its membership , the central committee was the coming together of regional committees to discuss common strategies , which would then be taken back to the regional committees for further discussion .
28 Finally , frozen stiff , we made our way back along the relative safety of the fisherman 's path , with a cursory wave back to the huddled forms .
29 Rather , it is the case that people with a fairly strong religious tradition may react to crises by turning back to the traditional patterns of belief which not only made sense of their individual predicaments but which also created a strong sense of communal solidarity .
30 HISTORIC war department buildings in Essex are being restored to their former glory.Jobless volunteers have started clearing overgrowth from around the wartime buildings at Beacon Hill , Harwich , paving the way for full restoration work in the future.The work is being organised by NACRO , the National Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offenders , on behalf of the Essex Training and Enterprise Council.Project supervisor Ray Rawlinson said the 18 people working at Beacon Hill were long-term unemployed and did not have criminal records.The buildings date back to the Napoleonic wars were updated during the first and second world wars .
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