Example sentences of "on for [adj] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Leek out , had this heart trouble , and he 'd been in the Signals about oh ten year , he , he was on for twelve engagement and he nearly completed it when he had this heart trouble .
2 The traveller who rides on a local bus can learn a lot : in the mountains of Greece everyone clings on for dear life and makes the sign of the cross at every bend in the road ; in the Thar Desert , Rajasthan , a sense of humour is essential , especially when the giggling driver moves the sheltering bus to reveal squatting passengers answering the call of nature , and in South America it helps if you do n't mind sitting next to a chicken or sharing the floor with a goat .
3 I put the central heating on for one hour before the kids go to bed and one hour before they get up .
4 The industry is still stuffed with excess capacity , mostly taken on for Big Bang and the freak year of boom that followed ( until the 1987 crash ) .
5 Contact : Motif Editions on for everyday range and Publications Department , City Art Gallery on for Eric Gill cards
6 My head was throbbing and the shoulder was beginning to ache from the kicking , which had probably been going on for some time before I came round .
7 However months later he was able to start talking about his wife and the fact that they had not been getting on for some time and had begun divorce proceedings .
8 This pantomime went on for some time and , inevitably , the emotional strain brought on a resurgence of his symptoms .
9 Ernie , who was employed by him , would go up on a Sun day to feed his stock and unbeknown to Dick Gooding would bring the old mule back with him , hitch him to the hand cart and pull it over to Birling Bank , this went on for some time and poor old Dick knew nothing of these goings on .
10 And this had gone on for some time and he was down on the shore anyway one night and looking out across the the sea and thinking long for Eday and he met this man .
11 And so , for 500 dense pages , we hang on for grim death as Hughes ' locomotive intelligence hurtles down the track he has set himself .
12 She carried on for another year and then died suddenly from a heart attack .
13 The dog-handlers struggled on for another hour but then they , too , gave up .
14 No doubt he himself would have difficulties : but he thought that the Conservatives , without entering into any general undertaking , would support his Government , which would not embark upon any extravagant legislation ; and in this way the King 's Government might be carried on for another Session or even longer .
15 The group carried on for another album and a few more singles but the charts were changing , and their time was up .
16 The matter will therefore drag on for another month until the next management committee meeting , while Ferguson has to continue his return to the first team under awkward circumstances .
17 Prominent advocates of ratification included EC Commission President Jacques Delors ( who declared on Aug. 28 that he " would not stay on for another mandate if the " no " vote won " ) and also both the RPR leader Jacques Chirac and the UDF leader Valéry Giscard d'Estaing , although many RPR and UDF members were opposed to ratification .
18 And so on and so on for another hour and a half , sweating and dazed , until at 4.48 a.m. , extremely painfully , out comes young Tom ( not such a bad name ; commonplace , I know ) , emerging head looking like a terrifically cross blue Brussels sprout , splosh go the fluids , splat goes the placenta and there he is .
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