Example sentences of "on in the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Another powerful reason why improved mud buildings are not catching on in the tropical Third World is that for poor families , housing is not the first priority .
2 The importance of the parallel market is touched on in the first two sources above , and also in Podolski ( 1986 , Chs 5.2 and 6.2 ) , Llewellyn et al.
3 Yes , and an astute decision by Milton 's manager , Keith Stocks , saw substitute Brian Marlan brought on in the sixty eighth minute and two minutes later he was all smiles as he headed home Nigel Mott 's cross to break the deadlock .
4 The other programme was the field theory initiated by Faraday , according to which electrical phenomena can be explained in terms of actions going on in the medium surrounding electrified bodies and electric circuits , rather than in terms of the behaviour of a substance within them .
5 After them , things can go on in the normal hopeless way .
6 In Russia English merchants had gone some way south of Moscow , and trade was also being carried on in the Eastern Mediterranean or Levant .
7 To hell with her , he thought and kept his coat on in the warm book-lined room .
8 There is no institutional culture here , which there is at the BBC , and that 's what we have to trade on in the next 10 years .
9 Fact is , I do n't want them to see what 's going on in the next few hours .
10 Nor is it any more than the incidental music to a play that captured the composer 's imagination and inspired him to conjure up the ‘ goings on in the Magicked Athenian wood ’ .
11 The village contained little more than cottages , but the spirit of the day had been caught … and two or three of the best of them were smartened up with a white curtain and ‘ lodgings to let ’ — and further on in the little green court of an old farm house , two females in elegant white were actually to be seen with their books and camp-stools — and in turning the corner of the baker 's shop , the sound of a harp might be heard through the upper casement .
12 She paused and then went on in the same proud tone she had used when she showed them the bathroom , ‘ Mr Evans is a very important man .
13 Where we might have expected him to grant her the respect of verse , he goes on in the same business-like prose : ‘ How now , Kate ?
14 When it comes to her imagined transcriptions of Jip 's diary , she goes on in the same descriptive vein for a paragraph , then stops herself with an abrupt exclamation of ‘ No , he would n't say all that ’ ( 54 ) , whereupon she starts again in more concise fashion .
15 ‘ It means of course , ’ she went on in the same level tone , ‘ that you will not be free to make a decision until your uncle dies .
16 He just came on in the same purposeful manner and Maggie backed away , a little alarmed and suddenly remembering why she was here .
17 But wherever they end up , there 's a good chance they 'll be moved on again in the next few weeks — 28 groups have been moved on in the last 18 months and the County Council is moving on another group from Kirtlington , north of Oxford tomorrow .
18 You 've put weight on in the last ten days . ’
19 Reporter asks : What have you missed out on in the last forty years ?
20 An enormous amount of research has gone on in the last few decades into how and when settlements originated and how they have changed over time .
21 Erm , the erm , the erm , the erm , er , settlement of the anti tr civil anti trust law suit that was referred to in the statement was erm , costs of about six million dollars this year on a class action law suit which we have reached a tentative settlement on in the last few days and , in fact , there were some , there was about six to seven million dollars of additional provision made at the end of last year in the one time charges that we referred to at that time but could n't really identify with erm , lawyers breathing down your necks in the United States and er , this is a class action law suit , would have been in a Texas Court and erm , you know , the boiler plate language is that you want to get rid of the , you know , the expense and uncertainty of this type of litigation and if you think that what a Texas jury did to Texaco , it 's probably a prudent decision to close the matter off at this time .
22 Keeping goats has really caught on in the past 10 years , as farmers look to alternative livestock to stay in business .
23 For example , Pete Coleman had to carry a shooting-stick for Greg Norman to sit on in the 1982 Australian Open , and in Zambia a caddie I saw on my Safari Tour travels carried an extra that could have proved an even bigger life-saver than the carrots that are pulled out of the bag by Sam Torrance 's caddie Malcolm Mason ( the carrots are supposed to calm Sam down on the greens ) : the Zambian caddie was carrying President Kaunda 's bag in a pro-am , and surreptitiously tucked away was a gun , just in case somebody tried to assassinate the golfing president while he decided on a four- or a five-iron .
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