Example sentences of "even high [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To provide an even higher level of protection for our customers we will double the amount payable on death after an accident , if both husband and wife die as the result of the same accident .
2 ( 4 ) The third defendant concealed from the plaintiffs what is said to have been a false and fraudulent over-valuation of the bakery made in June 1983 by another of the alleged conspirators in order to support an even higher level of loan by B.M.T. ( 5 ) On 24 June 1983 B.M.T. offered to lend C.M.C. £420,000 on the security of the bakery in substitution for its previous offer to lend £185,500 .
3 On an even higher level of importance , the Habsburg representative at the Teschen peace negotiations with Prussia in 1779 , Count Philip Cobenzl , owed his position to the accident of his cousin Ludwig , Maria Theresa 's first choice , being crippled by gout when the time came to set out .
4 It was disappointing , given the stress in these new regulations on quality of courses , the needs of the area and the amount of students ' contributions , that an even higher proportion of grant-aid could not be given : but the Ashby Report itself had talked of only 75% and that as a maximum , so any advance on this was an achievement , and a tribute to the District 's work .
5 In results reported last summer ( New Scientist , vol 95 , p WS ) , their data confirmed quantum mechanics to within an even higher degree of accuracy than previous experiments .
6 Exports of natural gas to the US by pipeline and LNG exports particularly to Japan , are likely to increase to some 30 MTOE by the year 2000 , and even higher levels of export , particularly to the US , are quite possible .
7 And those with larger amounts to invest — attracting even higher rates of interest — are doing substantially better than that .
8 This population reached its peak in 1974 , although it has to be remembered that the ranks of the dependent could be greatly increased by even higher rates of unemployment .
9 Set yourself even higher standards of discipline in differentiating between facts , hearsay , opinions , guesses and qualifications .
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