Example sentences of "grapple with the problem " in BNC.

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1 The authorities have been grappling with the problem for a decade , but still the cars choke the cobbled streets .
2 The laboratories are still grappling with the problem of large , flat screen TV .
3 He should be grappling with the problem of how to stay alive , but instead could think of nothing but the problem of Jess .
4 Lynn Eaton looks at how staff in one SSD are grappling with the problem
5 One corner of the Instrumentation and Control Board activities was concerned for weeks or months with grappling with the problem .
6 Other towns in Oxfordshire are still grappling with the problem .
7 But , though it is heartening to find an Iranian writer bravely grappling with the problems of exile and turning a critical eye on the values of both his native and adopted countries , Mr Ataie will write better plays when he admits the theatrical importance of contradiction and argument .
8 If the poetry of the early part of the eighteenth century is already grappling with the problems associated with a realistic treatment of agricultural labour , it is not surprising that an agricultural labourer should eventually make an impact as a poet .
9 His experiences there in grappling with the problems of planning the postwar development of the French economy had made him increasingly convinced that effective economic planning was beyond the capacity of any single state , but would depend upon intense cooperation between states .
10 During the 1920s , however , the clash between these two legacies of the Great War for socialists was to become a central issue in their attempts to grapple with the problem of unemployment .
11 Secondly , the profession needs to grapple with the problem of substandard training in research .
12 New accountability processes have to grapple with the problem of legitimising managerial autonomy and discretion ( to achieve results ) with the need to give real rather than fictional accounts to the various publics with which the organisation interacts .
13 France : new orders dried up as the long run of 63 reactors either built or under construction came to an end and the country grappled with the problem of an over-supply of electricity .
14 In each case the experience of being wrenched out of the familiar instigates an identity crisis which results in a series of ‘ rebirths ’ as the protagonist grapples with the problem of selfhood and strives to construct some form of coherent identity out of the scraps of other peoples ' languages which penetrate his or her consciousness .
15 In Flight of Fancy ( pp 64 ) he grapples with the problems of building a flying machine while Informagic ( pp 72 ) finds him trapped in the workings of a giant computer .
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