Example sentences of "brace [pn reflx] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 We are bracing ourselves in the Administration Centre for what promises to be an even better year two targetting very substantial growth over year one .
2 For more than an hour he had crouched on the floor , bracing himself as the speed changes of the train and the unevenness of the track destroyed the momentum of his painstaking work .
3 Green Gartside sighs and lights another cigarette , bracing himself for the inevitable criticism .
4 He flung the bedcovers off and stood up , shaking and staring wildly into the darkness , trying to identify the threat , knowing it had to be the Corsican and bracing himself for the shotgun blast that would cut him in half , disembowel him , blow his head off , send it bouncing across the floor of the bedroom .
5 Sighing at the thought of having to leave the warmth and comfort of the fire , he rose and lifted his coat from the hook on the kitchen door , bracing himself against the cold stormy air , and strode off into the darkness .
6 Releasing the cannon from stowage and moving it forward was reminiscent of preparing a man o'war with the weapon 's black length extending well aft and Tommie bracing himself against the instrument bulkhead .
7 The corpse seemed to brace itself against the tilt but that could not be , unless —
8 ‘ Well , where do you want to start ? ’ she asked , bracing herself for the questions to come .
9 Flushing hotly , she sat up rigidly , bracing herself in the seat .
10 Franca turned , bracing herself against the old unthinking uninformed wave of pleasure which , urging her towards him , almost lifted her off her feet .
11 Bracing herself against the movement of the boat , she clutched the crash bar in front of the cooker with one hand and pressed the other to her face .
12 Leonora turned her back on the past , bracing herself against the wind as she walked briskly towards the spot where the cliff path began its decent to Seal Haven .
13 With free arms we could move more and brace ourselves against the bumps on the road .
14 But even as he braced himself for the end , Robin took a remarkable last photograph of himself for his family .
15 Knowing that it would annoy Geoffrey , Anthony braced himself for the ensuing argument .
16 He braced himself against the sides of that smooth slanting chimney in almost foetal position and began to force his way upward by flexing .
17 He braced himself against the now torrential downpour and grabbed the door handle with both hands , hauling the sliding door back across the opening but stopping short of banging it closed .
18 The muscles of his legs and arms bulged alarmingly and shone with sweat as he braced himself against the bulkheads to study the small control panel .
19 For some strange reason she could n't seem to relinquish her hold on the chain and braced herself for the wrench she was sure would follow when fitzAlan started towards the castle gates .
20 They could n't avoid being seen together and she braced herself for the blast from Georg and from her parents .
21 I looked up at his face and braced myself for the inevitable blast .
22 And braced myself for the deluge of his anger .
23 I braced myself for the explosion but luckily it went between the wheels .
24 I braced myself against the sides of the trench and listened to the explosions and the debris landing on the roof .
25 ‘ It 's a bomb , ’ I thought , as I braced myself against the walls of the trench waiting for the inevitable explosion .
26 I brace myself for the sight of the posters , unrolled and exposed , and the dole cards .
27 Brace yourself for the impact .
28 while country areas were bracing themselves for the influx of tragic refugees or louse-infested slave labour , depending on the children 's luck .
29 MINISTERS are bracing themselves for the release of unemployment figures on Thursday which are expected to go over the three million mark .
30 This weekend she had finally braced herself to the course of obtruding the existence of Len into the house .
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