Example sentences of "distance [pn reflx] from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , we may both be surprised that Peirce held that the scientific inquirer distanced himself from all scientific results , and suspect that Quine would grant that this attitude is appropriate for a range of them .
2 When the Allies protested , Franco distanced himself from personal involvement and promised that something would be done .
3 Although he distanced himself from this view prior to the election , he campaigned strongly on the promise to " return safe and clean streets " .
4 Northamptonshire mumming , Shrovetide football , and " Plough Mondays " are examples of practices which were no longer encouraged and to an extent positively discouraged by a gentry which increasingly distanced itself from rude diversions and vulgar games .
5 Camilla and Charles then distanced themselves from each other as part of a ‘ damage-limitation exercise ’ agreed in a series of Palace-negotiated pacts .
6 Although they paid a fee for the transmission rights , they saw the star-studded line-up as an opportunity to boost viewing figures and distanced themselves from any contentious affiliations by renaming the concert Freedom Festival .
7 One of the reasons we developed a design-led retail business , offering our own unique products , was because we saw we could distance ourselves from other retailers who were just selling manufacturers ' products and discounting them and getting into constant competitive battles .
8 Some of these are deeply rooted and irrational ; they spring from fears about ageing and death and from the psychological need to distance ourselves from selected groups of people ( homosexuals , blacks , etc . ) .
9 We wish to distance ourselves from such inferences , even though naturally we would expect our findings to generate constructive discussion about the effective use of pupils ' and teachers ' time in primary schools .
10 Ben Jonson , a ‘ scholarship boy ’ whose ability with language allowed him to gain social advancement , is keen to distance himself from popular writing whose techniques he so skilfully employs .
11 Mr Tebbit was keen yesterday to distance himself from any comparison with Mr Powell .
12 In the document which outlines this progress , and elsewhere , the CDP was anxious to distance itself from other institutions in the public sector .
13 It was expected that from now on the government would attempt to distance itself from any further scandals in the run-up to the autumn 's critical gubernatorial and congressional elections .
14 When under pressure , though , she is said to throw tantrums , to distance herself from those around her and just take off .
15 For her latest exhibition , Oulton has gone even further to distance herself from Old Master traditions and concepts of Englishness .
17 Instead their political energy was absorbed in enhancing the privileges of guild membership , seeking exemption from as many of the burdens of the ‘ service city ’ as possible , and distancing themselves from petty traders .
18 States are prevented from adhering to conventional provisions that operate to their benefit while distancing themselves from any undesired obligations .
19 Since neither headquarters nor division executives discuss or resolve either the attributions or the frustrations , both may eventually begin to distance themselves from each other .
20 More specifically , on the issue of cultural hierarchies and class relations the Situationists tried to distance themselves from bourgeois notions of progress and their equivalence in the neo-avant-garde of the post-war period .
21 Although some lesbians exploited the opportunity to distance themselves from dirty , dangerous male sexuality , a vastly disproportionate number devoted themselves to AIDS work .
22 In an increasingly profit-driven state even the most conservative parts of the church have had to distance themselves from some policies .
23 In order to try to distance themselves from this operation they employed a freelance , just as they tap telephones illegally or burgle property by using freelances .
24 When linguists became involved , with a few notable exceptions , it was mainly to distance themselves from this current of ideas and to introduce the second phase .
25 It was the 1960s before the bishops began to distance themselves from direct relationships with the government of the day .
26 On the issue of regional government , I do not want to distance myself from English history , but I recognise that Whitehall government is a long way from Manchester .
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