Example sentences of "manifest [pn reflx] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 What has bitten ‘ us ’ , the transpersonal Gadarene motif of The Possessed , manifests itself through the dotty plan for a dinner just as eloquently as through the murder in the park .
2 It is a problem which seems curiously common to left-arm spinners , and manifests itself with the bowler either failing to release the ball , or propelling it vertically into the air .
3 As a result of the infection , the small blood-vessels supplying the skin become blocked and the resulting diminution of the blood-supply leads to local death of tissue , which manifests itself as the primary chancre .
4 Antrim , manifests itself at the surface as a roughly circular depression with a much deeper hole in one part of the area .
5 This high degree of concentration also manifests itself at the most localized scales .
6 As you drive , this NVH manifests itself in the form of tiny vibrations fed back through the steering wheel and the gruff , uninspiring sounds from the SE-FHE engine .
7 This moving image manifests itself in the motions of the heavenly bodies .
8 The difference is essentially one of the spirit and it manifests itself in the habits and attitudes of country folk .
9 P. pictus is sensitive to poor water and this often manifests itself in the degeneration of the barbels and the membrane between the fin rays .
10 The romantic fantasy is nurtured in our youth with Enid Blyton books and ghost stories and manifests itself in the invention of tunnel myths .
11 Stance manifests itself in the adoption of certain approaches , methods or techniques : the experimental method of the scientist , the survey method of the sociologist , the close reading of the student of literature .
12 One does come across entrepreneurial academics , but there is still something slightly suspect in the academic world about making , as distinct from earning , money which manifests itself in the grey area of consultancy .
13 The barbels are long and are a great temptation to other fish which sometimes pick at them and damage them , P. pictus Is sensitive to poor water conditions and this often manifests itself in the degeneration of the barbels and the membrane between the fin rays .
14 This distinction manifests itself in the fact that the " see that " paraphrase fits the second sentence very well but is very awkward for the first .
15 As she bent up from the oven , up out of the kitchen , a shaft of watery sun manifested itself on the floor like a dim splash of paint .
16 We should , however , appreciate the close relationship that existed between the philosophical beliefs and the political doctrine , which not only manifested itself in the convergence of interests with respect to social problems and class politics , but also provided the proposed reform in education ( and other attempts to ‘ educate ’ young workers , such as the club movement ) with a certain authority .
17 This manifested itself in the falling returns in grain collections for provisioning the towns and the Red Army .
18 Improvements in the general conditions of blacks had taken place between Johnson 's era , when white supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan articulated deeply-held sentiments , when at least three hundred and fifty blacks were illegally lynched and mixed marriages were forbidden , and that of Ali , when conflict manifested itself in the Watts riots and radicalism came in the form of the black power movements .
19 Loosely linked to it were the emerging environmentalist movements ( the link being forged by a deep suspicion of advanced technology which had raised the spectre of nuclear holocaust and then manifested itself in the devastation inflicted on Vietnam ) .
20 The legacy of Britain 's largest ever baby boom , dating from the early years of this century , manifested itself in the growth of the numbers of people of pensionable age in the 1960s and 1970s and the dramatic increase in the numbers of the very elderly in the 1980s .
21 It manifested itself in the small hours at such an advanced stage that no cure save amputation of the head could bring relief .
22 The tightening of monetary policy throughout the industrialized world in 1989 and early 1990 manifested itself in the form of higher interest rates , as the major instrument to curb consumer demand and ease inflation .
23 A final essential advantage for the party manifested itself in the general election campaign , when Attlee , for so long the ‘ unknown Opposition Leader ’ , came to notice as a sober and responsible figure apparently capable of assuming the reins of government .
24 We saw in Chapter 1 that , in Britain , there is some dispute as to when rehabilitation began to make serious inroads into penal practice : Foucault saw it as manifesting itself in the rise of the prison as the dominant penal institution ; Garland puts it much later , in the early part of this century .
25 Fairness also appears to have a more substantive role manifesting itself in the prohibition of discrimination , in the case law on estoppel , in the proportionality of the punishment to the offence committed , in cases where delay has been held prejudicial to important rights , and in the development of the idea of legitimate expectations .
26 The boy fears retaliation from his father , manifesting itself in the ‘ castration syndrome ’ .
27 Fourth , and finally , the rejection of the Athenians by the Spartans makes more sense if the Ephialtic reforms are seen as part of a process rather than as an event , that is , if the qualities which the Spartans feared were gradually manifesting themselves over the whole thirty-year period , 487–457 .
28 These manifest themselves as the impulsive gravitational waves ( 15.10 ) which may be considered to be generated by the collision .
29 Characteristics of groups , like the characteristics of species , are thus considered by most theorists today to be the result of the selection of genes as they manifest themselves in the individuals comprising populations ( G. C. Williams 1966 ; Lewontin 1970 ; E. O. Wilson 1975 ) .
30 How do the properties of the chain manifest themselves in the bulk ?
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