Example sentences of "hurl [pn reflx] at the " in BNC.

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1 Ellie cried , as she saw Mike hurling himself at the unprepared Patsy .
2 The boy rolled over and came on to one knee in a single lunge , and hurling himself at the man , caught him round the thighs with both arms , and swept him with him through the opening .
3 They turned on the newly arrived Marines in surprise , and yet with considerable ferocity , hurling themselves at the armed men , who coolly gunned them down , their machetes being no match for rifles .
4 About a dozen were still milling around , hurling themselves at the fur shop window , almost certainly bullet proof , the rest were arguing or wrestling with about ten policemen who were too busy to tell us to move on even when the lights changed .
5 For an instant , Jimmy wondered whether he should hurl himself at the plate-glass windows .
6 The cavalry had already ridden through the pall of dust and smoke that hung over the demolished Cutcherry and now they were ready to hurl themselves at the garrison , hastily assembled behind the churchyard wall .
7 He hurled himself at the boy .
8 Barking ferociously , the big Great Dane rushed from the rear of the house , skidded around the corner and hurled herself at the gate with such force that it creaked under the impact .
9 The American star , who was later arrested for harassing an officer , hurled herself at the cops as she rushed to the aide of her pal .
10 The warriors hurled themselves at the heads or horns of their animals to make them lie down .
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