Example sentences of "hurl [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Ellie cried , as she saw Mike hurling himself at the unprepared Patsy .
2 The boy rolled over and came on to one knee in a single lunge , and hurling himself at the man , caught him round the thighs with both arms , and swept him with him through the opening .
3 With a bound , he was up and giving chase , hurling himself down the stairs .
4 ‘ Milord , milord , ’ he shouted , hurling himself towards the pair in the prow .
5 Burton was hurling himself on the course most likely to tempt and test him to the limit .
6 ‘ Way you go , Patty , ’ he said softly , and the dog was off , hurling herself along the embankment , all paws and flying ears , after a rabbit who had been sitting in a patch of sun but disappeared with contemptuous ease as she came close .
7 His phobia had spread to his grooms when Raimundo 's even crueller predecessor had broken the leg of a grey filly , hurling it to the ground for branding , and the following day he had died of snake bite .
8 The action is set in a south London council flat of hideous squalor over the Easter weekend of 1990 , and it begins with a young man effing and blinding in a crescendo of impotent , inarticulate fury , before picking up a television and hurling it across the room .
9 He pictured himself smashing both fists down in the middle of the kitchen table , or taking a china jug off the shelf and hurling it across the room .
10 The actual work can be a bit fiddly — sometimes an arrangement just wo n't go right and I have to restrain myself from hurling it across the room .
11 Suddenly the man bent and grabbed the leather thong , swinging the hound off its feet and hurling it against the tree .
12 Shouts and curses echoed across the vault , and then they were hurling themselves down the steps .
13 They turned on the newly arrived Marines in surprise , and yet with considerable ferocity , hurling themselves at the armed men , who coolly gunned them down , their machetes being no match for rifles .
14 About a dozen were still milling around , hurling themselves at the fur shop window , almost certainly bullet proof , the rest were arguing or wrestling with about ten policemen who were too busy to tell us to move on even when the lights changed .
15 Stormy , wet , windy , typical August weather , cormorants , wings flapping clockworklike against the force 5–6 wind , gulls gliding majestically , effortlessly over the wave tops , gannets swirling way up high before plummeting dramatically hurling themselves into the sea with terrific , surely painful splashes , then the puffins , taking off clumsily along the surface of the water , bouncing bomb style , crashing into successive wave crests in their attempts to stay clear of the bow , wildlife in abundance and this was only the view from the MacBraynes ferry !
16 ‘ I could picture you so clearly , hurling yourselves down the motorway . ’
17 Somehow or other , the vicar got off stage , and disappeared behind the altar , perhaps off to hurl himself into the flames that would shortly be consuming Donald .
18 But what brought her to the point of retaliation was the sight of his hands mauling a plate of sliced mutton , digging his fingers into the pieces of meat and snatching them up and trying to screw them up like pieces of paper and hurl them at the bookcase .
19 The trees poise to eject leaves and hurl them at the wind , there is nobody in the big house to see the park 's invasion by the people , the iron benches under the elms are empty , each foot curling into a clutch of leaves .
20 Let the wave carry him up and then sort of hurl himself off the top of it .
21 Elinor did not pick up the pan and hurl it across the room .
22 But however unpleasant monsoonal conditions can on occasion be , they are as nothing compared with the fearsome storms that hurl themselves on the Pacific with terrible regularity .
23 Far away we can hear the noise of the wind forcing its way up some narrow gully then bursting free to hurl itself across the plateau we crossed yesterday .
24 It hurls itself around the island and in seconds the sea is alive , ugly waves crashing over the boats , white horses flicking over the surface on the hooves of the wind .
25 The old man replies kindly , but says there is no mention of salvation in the Good Book ‘ for any but the sinful sons of Adam ’ — at which the lady gives a cry of despair and hurls herself into the sea .
26 With horror and doubt on his face , the elder seizes a pitchfork and hurls it into the gangster 's back ’ It could be argued from the Kantian standpoint that the elder had failed in his duty by not upholding the sect 's fundamental principle of non-violence .
27 For an instant , Jimmy wondered whether he should hurl himself at the plate-glass windows .
28 Her outstretched hand disturbed a fragment of loose rock , sending it tumbling over the precipice ; for one hideous moment she fancied the entire ledge was on the move and about to hurl her into the chasm .
29 And his hand picked up a dropped boot to hurl it against the crackling plastic doors .
30 To the crowd 's consternation , Eve , dropping her red cloak , had hurled herself off the front of the cart and was pushing through the crowd , quite plainly a boy in breeches , shirt and felt boots .
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