Example sentences of "sum [pron] up [adv] " in BNC.

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1 As the most suitable to sum them up provisionally let us pick ‘ Face facts ’ , a roughly formulated injunction which carries with it its own punishments for disobedience , without any need to appeal to God , philosophers or the police .
2 He had summed up his godfather and he had summed her up too .
3 Peter Lovesey , whose Victorian police procedural novels featuring Sergeant Cribb are fine examples of this branch of the art , has summed it up neatly in saying that he sees himself writing books that are " a counterpoise of teacups and terror " .
4 Sums him up nicely .
5 She sums it up well .
6 Mr Norm Ehlers , Ford 's executive director of production purchasing , sums it up simply : ’ If we sell , they sell .
7 Yeah I 'm afraid so , I think it 's compounded by the fact that your , what your dad says sums it up beautifully about your mum , I was talking to him about , you know , what does she , what she 's got in her life other than what she ever had other than a home , working and so on , has she got any hobbies at home or does she do anything is there anything that takes her mind off things
8 John Giacobbi sums it up quite nicely when he portrays the average A&Rs as narrow-minded lemmings worried about job security .
9 ‘ That sums it up nicely . ’
10 This was their task but that sums it up too simply .
11 George Irwin , former Palace goalkeeper and manager in the immediate post-war season summed him up admirably : ‘ Fred is a good , honest , clean player and a credit to the Palace side ’ .
12 It was Brian May who summed it up best .
13 An Atari spokesman summed it up thus : ‘ We did our best to take our lumps as we saw them . ’
14 One dealer summed it up adequately .
15 The Bioscope summed it up nicely : ‘ No travel , no expense , every comfort and a splendid program is the motto of electric theatres . ’
16 Dr. John Whitcomb , professor of Theology and Old Testament at Grace Theological Seminary in Winona Lake , Indiana , summed it up very well when on page 52 of his book ‘ The Early Earth ’ , he wrote , ‘ the testimony of an honest evolutionist could be expressed in terms of Hebrews 11:3 as follows , ‘ By faith , I , an evolutionist , understand that the worlds were not framed by the word of any god , so that what is seen has indeed been made out of previously existing and less complex visible things , by purely natural processes through billions of years ’ . ’
17 James , one of the best writers who out of love for the old detective story has taken it and made something more of it , once summed it up very neatly .
18 Henry Elstone , finance director , summed it up yesterday when he declared that at £61m it had been a bargain .
19 She 'd read something in the book of proverbs that summed it up perfectly .
20 My hon. and learned Friend the Member for Monklands , East ( Mr. Smith ) summed it up brilliantly — it is the state of the depression .
21 Lee Doherty summed it up afterwards when he said : ‘ We 'll settle for the 3–1 win , but you would n't want to be watching that kind of football every week .
22 Only 11 people turned up but the football team-sized audience asked for an encore and Charman summed it up as ‘ Good . ’
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